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Updated: 2013.09.23

Natzrat-Megiddo topographical map
Click to enlargeLower Gâ•lil and òÅîÆ÷ éÄæÀøÀòÆàì showing ðÈöÀøÇú and äÇø îÀâÄãÌåÉ ("Armageddon").

Nâ•tzᵊr•at; Hellenized (i.e. Christianized) in LXX to Ναζαρεθ.

ðÈöÀøÇú, deriving from the verb ðÈöÇø, is the combinative form of an unused noun, ðÈöÀøÈä, which would mean "a protective sentry guard" – a cognate of ðÅöÆø. Thus, …-ðÈöÀøÇú means "a protective sentry guard of…"

Much has been overlooked about ðÈöÀøÇú because the only ones with the necessary security perspective are Israeli Jews, the essentials never occurred to goy•im researchers, and Israeli Jews have been little interested in the mainly Christian discussion of ðÈöÀøÇú. The meaning of the name, probably a "frontier town" nickname that stuck in place of its original name, ðÈöÀøÇú, becomes obvious upon looking at a map (especially a topographical map), relative to äÇø îÀâÄãÌåÉ.

Topographical Bottleneck
Natzrat Sentry Point in Via Maris
Click to enlargeãÆøÆê äÇéÌÈí

Opposite ðÈöÀøÇú, to the south across òÅîÆ÷ éÄæÀøÀòÆàì, is the water-supplied spear-point of defense forces repelling invaders coming from the north via ãÆøÆê äÇéÌÈí, or via any major trade route or valley corridor in the area, controlling the corridor through which invaders from Lebanon or Syria would have to pass into Yi•sᵊrâ•eil: äÇø îÀâÄãÌåÉ – "Armageddon" – commanding the nexus, battlefield arena, of òÅîÆ÷ éÄæÀøÀòÆàì, an expansive internal valley that is more like a large inland strip or plain running southeast from Haifa to the Jordan Valley.

Being nestled in a hollow on the north side of òÅîÆ÷ éÄæÀøÀòÆàì, surrounded by observation peaks affording commanding views in all directions, ðÈöÀøÇú was a forward observation post "frontier town."

Forward Observation Panorama
4 Points of the Compass
Natzrat - View North: Beit Netofa Valley (imgur.com)
Click to enlargeðÈöÀøÇú North

View to the North: Beit Netofa Valley (imgur.com)

Click to enlargeðÈöÀøÇú West

View to the West: Carmel Mountains, Mediterranean Sea

Click to enlargeðÈöÀøÇú East

View to the East: Har Tâ•vor

Click to enlargeðÈöÀøÇú South

View to the South: òÅîÆ÷ éÄæÀøÀòÆàì (veredgo.com). Across the plain is Har Mᵊgido – "Armageddon"

ðÈöÀøÇú is situated on the southeast slope of a basin, surrounded by protective limestone hills. A rocky gorge, between two craggy hills on the south, gradually descends from the elevated plateau, 460 m. (1500 ft.) above sea level, opening out into òÅîÆ÷ éÄæÀøÀòÆàì, ‭ ‬ 305 m. (1000 ft.) below.

Directly across òÅîÆ÷ éÄæÀøÀòÆàì from äÇø îÀâÄãÌåÉ, the forward sentry village of ðÈöÀøÇú served as a literal ðÈöÀøÇú äÇãÆøÆê. When ðÈöÀøÇú sentries spotted invaders coming from the north, a signal fire (and resisting force) would provide several hours warning to äÇø îÀâÄãÌåÉ, immediately across the plain, to muster troops and prepare for battle before invaders could reach äÇø îÀâÄãÌåÉ; even longer before invading troops could populate an effective battle formation to attack äÇø îÀâÄãÌåÉ.

Summiting the hill 150 m. (500 ft.) above the town offers a commanding panorama – "You can see thirty miles in three directions" (Smith, Hist. Geog., p. 432). From these surrounding summits, sentries can monitor all of the invasion routes coming from the north. One could see the plateaus of Zᵊvul•un and Na•phᵊtâliy, and the mountains of Lᵊvân•on, with the snow-covered Khërᵊm•on towering above them all.

To the west, on a crisp-cool, clear (mid-spring or mid-autumn) day, one can see the coast of Tyre, the blue waters of ha-Yâm ha-Tikh•on and Har Ka•rᵊm•ël, the historic scene of the struggle of Eil•i•yâhu with the prophets of Baal.

To the east, across Yâm Ki•nërët and Nᵊhar ha-Ya•rᵊd•ein, Gi•lᵊâd and Har Tâ•vor. At the foot of the hill passed the ancient trade route (and more recent Roman road), ãÆøÆê äÇéÌÈí, which connected the ancient city of Damascus with the Mediterranean sea-ports.

To the south one could see äÇø îÀâÄãÌåÉ and the whole of òÅîÆ÷ éÄæÀøÀòÆàì, which was the scene of many of the most memorable battles of Yi•sᵊrâ•eil; to Har Tâ•vor and the hills of Gi•lᵊboa where Shâ•ul and Yo•nâ•tân lost their lives. Har Ei•vâl and the land of Shᵊkhëm peer through the distant haze, with the uplands of Gi•lᵊâd and the Shom•ron "with its twenty battlefields – the victories of Bâ•râq and Gi•dᵊon, the defeats of Shâ•ul and Yo•shi•yâhu and the skirmishes of the Ma•kab•im. There was the vineyard of Nâv•ot and the site where Yeihu took revenge upon Iy-Zëvël; Shu•neim and the house of Ël•i•shâ Bën-Shâ•phât; Har Ka•rᵊm•ël and the site where, after the failure of the false prophets, automatic fire engulfed the altar of Eil•i•yâhu." (Smith) and ãÆøÆê äÇéÌÈí, which threaded all the way to Mi•tzᵊrayim. Below, less than 2½ km (1½ mi.) to the east, the caravan trade-route to Yᵊru•shâ•layim stretched into the horizon. (sources: bible-history.com and Smith, Hist. Geog., p. 432).

1st Century C.E. ðÈöÀøÇú House
Natzrat, early 1st-century  CE house

1st Century C.E. ðÈöÀøÇú House

The town folk of ðÈöÀøÇú were widely disrespected as uncultured. All indications are that this small (population perhaps 200), forward-observation village was a typical frontier town; Aramaic-speaking like many of the Syrians, right next-door to the Roman goy•im city of Sepphoris, and far from the Israeli Hebrew cultural center of Yәrushâ•layim – an enigmatic hometown for a world-class graduate of the then-leading university in the world (the Great Library Complex Alexandria, Egypt).

Natzrat, early 1st-century  CE house

Archeologists have excavated one house from the early 1st century C.E. village of ðÈöÀøÇú from the time when Ribi Yᵊho•shua was a child. The site is located in the middle of modern "Nazareth," beside a Christian Church ("of Annunciation"). Since there were no more than about 50 houses in the small village, it is certain that Ribi Yᵊho•shua knew this house.

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