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U.S. Wins War on Terror!!!

Not a Shot Fired but…

War On Terror Compromised Away

You're the Next Victim
In Terrorist-Muslims' Quest
For World Domination & Eliminating 'Infidels of Satan'
By Means of Terrorism

That's what Hitler was claiming to do in ridding the world of 'the enemies of Christ and the Church' (the Jews – "infidels of Satan") to inaugurate the thousand year "Millennial Reign" (the Nazi Reich).

Terrorist-Muslims' Aims Identical to Hitler's

Yet, Terrorist-Muslims Call Bush Hitler and Israel Nazis!

The Egyptian opposition press continued its open rejoicing at the American disaster. Al-Ahrar (an Islamist opposition daily) columnist Salim Azzouz compared Bush to Hitler: "He declares that anyone who does not support him supports terror, and woe betide anyone who supports terror. This kind of declaration can come only from leaders of Hitler's ilk..." (MEMRI, 2001.10.04)

According to Islamic Movement in Israel:

"Bush and Hitler Are the Same Thing"

In an in-depth field report from Nazareth, Ha'aretz journalist Daniel Ben Simon presents an account of the radicalization of the Islamic movement in Israel.  Members of the movement talked to him about their reactions to the September 11 attack and the U.S.-planned war against terrorism.  At a later point in the article, Sheikh Nazim Abu Salim, the Imam of the downtown Nazareth Mosque, predicts that Muslims around the world will rise up in their countries, cities, and villages, depose their leaders, and establish Islamic rule.  Following are excerpts from Ben Simon's report…

"Haj Sa'id: 'There are many ethnic groups in the United States, right? Why did they put [the blame] only on the Muslims? What, aren't there Japanese? No Chinese? No Blacks? No Jews? Tell me, aren't there any Jews?'  The moment Jews were mentioned, the group lit up as one. They nodded fervently as if they had revealed a deep secret they had kept inside.  'Why haven't they blamed it on the Jews?' asked Zou'bi. 'I'll tell you why. Four thousand Jews didn't go to work that day, and do you think this was a coincidence? The Jews want the Americans to do the killing for you because you want them to be your stick against the Muslims.'  One man could not contain his anger: 'Bush and Hitler are the same thing. You can write what I'm telling you but don't mention my name...'" (MEMRI, 2001.10.02).

The Day Islam Will Rule

"…A young man with great influence in the city, Sheikh Nazim Abu Salim is considered a charismatic 'Imam' whose Friday sermons draw thousands. Last Friday… [he] chose to address his remarks to what he described as the great crime against Islam which the Americans are orchestrating…"

"…He informed the congregation that Bush was about to embark on a crusade throughout the world against Muslims who live according to the Shari'ah (Islamic law).  At the beginning of the week, Abu Salim came to the conclusion that the world is facing a situation that will divide people into two camps: 'A camp that wants Islam, and a camp that doesn't.'  'I agree,' he said, 'it is a war between the good and the bad, but who are the good and who are the bad? The good are those who seek justice and mercy, the believers in Islam.'"

"Sheikh Nazim is certain that the day is near when Islam will defeat its opponents. According to him, there is no point to the life of anyone who will not convert to Islam. 'What is Islam?' demanded the young cleric, who completed studies for a bachelor's degree in biochemistry at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.  'Islam is the greatest gift that Allah has given to man. The Prophet Mohammed came into the world to complete the work of Moses and Jesus Christ, and in fact his coming into the world presaged the end of the role of the other religions. Therefore, I say that anyone who doesn't get on the train of Islam is in serious trouble, and anyone who wants to be secure in his life, and also after his death, must convert to Islam. In the end there will be only one religion left in the world - Islam. The whole world knows this.'"

"This is also how the Sheikh explained to his congregation the Americans' attempt to hurt Afghanistan. In particular, he expressed a fear that before Islam succeeds and conquers the world, the Americans and the Israelis will do all they can to spoil the celebration... the Sheikh has another belief: before Islam spreads its wings over the earth, the Muslims will rise up in their own countries, cities and villages and depose their corrupt leaders who behave as if they were puppets in a theater. The cleric is convinced that the Arab leaders are fated to scatter to the four winds like the dust of the desert.  'A bunch of fawning flatterers,' he described them scornfully, 'cowardly kings, princes, and prime ministers who act like slaves of the American overlord. These leaders are the whip of the Americans and the British and they know that their time has come. The day will come, and soon, when the Arab puppet governments will vanish along with the darkness. The Muslim peoples are about to win the glory they have been awaiting thanks to the war in Afghanistan…'"

Rainbow Rule


"The Most Difficult Year." Ha'aretz, 2001.09.28.

Bush GW Anti-Terror Coalition Partners
Click to enlargeBush GW Anti-Terror Coalition Partners: Top left: Iran Ayatollah Khomeini with Khamas leader Khaled Mashaal in Tehran; Top right: Iran Pres. Ahmadinejad with Khamas leader Khaled Mashaal and Iran nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili in Tehran; Bottom Left: Syria's Bashar al-Assad; Bottom Middle: PLO Yasser Arafat; Bottom Right: Khiz'b-Allah leader Nassᵊr-Allah (Nasrallah) — glaringly absent is the #1 victim of, and #1 fighter against, Islamist terror in the world and supposed friend of the U.S.: Israel
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