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Seattle Chabad house "brimming" with Messianic Converts

Communication from the Netzarim Misrad ha-Khutz
Thursday, February 7, 2002 at 01:06:19

Publish?: is, Ok
Submitter: is, Jim Roberts
Origin: is, Seattle, Washington, USA
CntcMsg: Paqid Yirmeyahu:

If a "messianic Judaism" practioner is considering doing the right thing by observing Torah and davening in an Orthodox community, why should he follow the Netzarim training system rather than simply re-think his beliefs regarding Moshiakh? For example, our local (Seattle) Chabad house is brimming with legitimate Orthodox converts, some of which came directly out of the "messianic" movement. Some still consider Yehoshua as the Moshiakh, moshiakh-for-his-generation, what have you, but all place allegiance to HaSHEM through study and observance of Torah as their focus.

All Orthodox rabbis of my acquaintance, without exception, advise me that it is impossible that Orthodox rabbis are knowingly converting believers in Yesh"u. If your claim that the "(Seattle) Chabad house is brimming with legitimate Orthodox converts... Some still consider Yehoshua as the Moshiakh" is on the level please advise me the name(s) of the rabbis who have performed these conversions and how I can contact the rabbi or rabbis who have converted these people by email (or snailmail) so that I can properly verify your claim with the rabbinut.

If you don't supply the names and contact information it will be obvious that your claim is specious...

After ten years of Protestant and Charismatic Christianity, plus four years of "Messianic Judaism" Christianity, I am recognized by my Jewish friends as a Noachide, a student of Judaism and a "friend of Chabad". I know what I can do (practice kashrut) and can't do (observe Shabbat in a stict Jewish manner). What more does G-d want of me?

The historical Ribi Yehoshua was widely recognized as Ribi – a Pharisee rabbi. Similarly, his immediate followers – the original Netzarim – were likewise non-selectively Torah observant Pharisaic Jews and, therefore, consistent with the Pharisaic Judaic community that became today's Orthodox Jewish community.

Therefore, anyone who follows Yehoshua as Mashiakh in truth – the Netzarim – follows this model as well.

Ribi Yehoshua wasn't a "Benei Noakh." Neither "Benei Noakh" nor "Chabad" had even been conceived in the first century. In fact, "Benei Noakh" is a very modern innovation that contradicts first-century and Har Sinai Judaism – including Talmud. Ribi Yehoshua taught his followers to be Netzarim, NOT "Benei Noakh" or Chabad. Legitimate followers of Ribi Yehoshua are, therefore, Netzarim, NEITHER "Benei Noakh" NOR Chabad!

You'll find a brief explanation in the back issues of our newsletter (see the Netzarim Judaica Shoppe in the Mall of the 'Netzarim Quarter' web site and go to the Newsletter back issues topics to "Benei Noakh") and full explanation and documentation in the first two books of our Distance Learning.

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