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Khiz'b-Allah (corrupted to "Hezbullah") Chief Planner
Tied to al-Qaida / Bin-Laden

Eitan Rabin, Ma’ariv Hebrew Newspaper, 2001.10.12, p. 2
Translated by Yael Ben-David & Yirmeyahu Ben-David

"According to new information accumulating in American and other western intelligence sectors, Imad Moreniah, who is in charge of Khiz'b-Allah activities worldwide and chief coordinator between the organization and Iran, had contact with Usama Bin Laden and probably knew about the attacks that were going to take place in the U.S.

"According to this information, Moreniah himself planned, and also stayed in Iran planning, a series of attacks against the U.S.

"Moreniah, who is nicknamed ‘Carlos the Iranian,’ had planned to carry out a series of attacks against American targets, not only in the U.S. but also in other countries of the world.

"Among other things, he planned to kidnap American citizens.

"A high-ranking Israeli analyst revealed that Moreniah was in close contact with many of the wanted persons that the U.S. is seeking.

"Among other things, there is a connection between Moreniah and Bin Laden to Iranian factions in the Lebanon Valley."

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