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Bin Laden - 'Palestinian' Connections

BBC Panorama

Jane Corbin, Narrator
Paqid Yirmeyahu (Paqid 16, the Netzarim)
Pâ•qidꞋ  Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhꞋ u

[SB] "The point is, I think, that the defeat of the Soviets in Afghanistan was seen not just by terrorists or by extremists, but by all Muslims as being a major victory for Islam."

[BBC] "Usama bin Laden's view of America hardened into hatred when the Gulf War brought U.S. troops into Saudi-Arabia in 1991. Angry already at America's support of Israel, bin Laden's fury boiled over at what he saw as occupation by the infidel."

[SAF] "Laden has never thought that the Saudi regime would go to the degree that it would allow American forces inside Saudi-Arabia, in the holy land; and he gave a lot of suggestions, or advices, for an alternative, and he was actually shocked when he knew that the American forces were coming. He was driven crazy, very angry, at that stage."

[BBC] "Was it a turning point for him?"

[SAF] "It was very turning point. Indeed. Indeed, it was a turning point for all his life."

In bin Laden's own videotaped words: "We have been denied our religious beliefs, our wealth and our money. Saudi-Arabia has become wide-open for all sorts of anti-Islamic forces."

[SB] "Saudi-Arabia to him, of course, is the most holy country on earth and it should not be befouled, he would say, by outside, external, forces. That's his major objective."

According to BBC Panorama narrator Jane Corbin, bin Laden-terrorist Ab'd-Al[lah] Haqim Murat was a professional pilot who confessed to Philippine intelligence interrogators that he had suggested to known bin Laden associate Ramsey Yousef (who bombed the World Trade Center in the first attack) that commercial airline planes should be hi-jacked by Muslim pilots and either blown-up or flown into American targets such as the CIA headquarters. The suicidal dive of an Egyptian airline by a Muslim – also described as "non-fanatic" like the students who flew into the WTC – demonstrated the viability of his suggestion. bin Laden considers Egypt and Jordan "corrupted" by the west.

[BBC] "… [bin Laden] was both building-up his own militant organization, al-Qaeda ["the base"] , and beginning to create a coalition of Islamic terror groups…"

[SB] "[bin Laden] always deliberately maintained his distance from terrorist attacks…" [providing him "deniability."]

[BBC] "During the mid-90s, some 20 countries were identified as places where terror groups were operating with support from Usama bin Laden." The countries known to harbor bin Laden terror groups completely surround Israel: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. While BBC insidiously avoided mentioning 'Palestinian' terrorists throughout their program, it is well known that both Gaza and the West Bank are among the 'hottest' incubators harboring bin Laden's al Qaeda-associated terror groups.

[SB] "[bin Laden] sort of acts as a financial godfather. I don't think, to my knowledge that he's actually ordered a group to go out and carry out a specific operation. What he does is select a group and then give it some financing and then give it its head, as it were."

[BBC] "In 1998, Usama bin Laden announced a formal coalition of some of the world's most feared terror groups…" Again, while BBC deviously avoids mentioning the 'Palestinians,' these groups included Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Khiz'b-Allah (Hezbullah).

Usama bin Laden (in a videotape): "All these crimes committed by the Americans are but a clear declaration of war against Allah, his Prophet and against Muslims."

It's true that not all Muslims subscribe to bin Laden's extremist interpretations. But to suggest that this isn't a religious war, that Islam isn't involved, or that terrorist-Islamic Muslims aren't motivated by religious Islamic zeal contradicts bin Laden himself.

Most of the inhabitants of Jordan are resident-alien 'Palestinians.' Given BBC's deviousness in avoiding mention of 'Palestinians,' there is every reason to suspect that one of the bombers of the American Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, in 1998, whom BBC identified only as a "Jordanian" and who confessed to being involved with bin Laden, was, in fact, a 'Palestinian' living in Jordan.

In fact, many terrorist-Islamic Muslims whose names are in the news these days as associated both with bin Laden and the attacks on the WTC, whom the media either will not, or isn't being allowed to, identify by nationality are probably 'Palestinians.'

[SAF] "People believe that whoever commits suicide is a man full of despair, who is angry, who is hopeless, who is depressed and wants to end his life, and he has nothing to lose. That is not the case of many Muslims, and especially the bin Laden team… Those people who believe in this, they may even be rich or prosperous people. They may be very highly educated and we have a very clear example now…" [There is a long list of other clear examples that corroborate SAF's assertion.]

"Now, if [the Americans] intend to destroy bin Laden in Afghanistan they would have done nothing because most of the bulk of the problem is outside of Afghanistan and they are much more intelligent now, much more sophisticated. They carry [on] by themselves much easy…"

To suggest that the numerous 'Palestinian' terror cells aren't connected to bin Laden is preposterous.

Both Hamas and Islamic Jihad have rejected the current cease-fire. Arafat must be required to translate his commitment to anti-terrorism into action on the ground, declaring these bin Laden-connected terror groups the enemy of the 'Palestinian' people and fighting them with all means at his disposal… or suffer the consequences of remaining on the side of the terrorists.

bin Laden / 'Palestinian' Links Expanding

Via Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza

"… Just last June, [CO of] Intelligence Maj.-Gen. Amos Malka acknowledged that bin Laden's agents had tried to carry out an attack in Israel, but were foiled… In June 2000, the General Security Service apprehended a group of Palestinians led by Nabil Okal, who had trained at a bin Laden-financed training camp in Afghanistan. Okal, of the Jebaliya refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, had recruited a number of Hamas and Islamic Jihad activists and had intended to recruit in the West Bank and among Israeli Arabs.

"He was supposed to send recruits back to bin Laden's group in Afghanistan for training, and was instructed by bin Laden's group to set up a terror network here, the security sources said…

"According to Yoram Schweitzer of the International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism, many Palestinians are already serving in bin Laden's Al-Qaeda network. In fact, one of the main figures in Al-Qaeda is a Palestinian identified as Zein Abadin…

[Upon hearing of the maelstrom of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and the Pentagon] , "'Osama bin Laden thanked Almighty Allah and bowed before him when he heard this news,' Jamal Ismail, Abu Dhabi Television's 'Palestinian' bureau chief in Islamabad, said, quoting a close aide of bin Laden's. Ismail said the aide, whom he wouldn't identify by name, called him early yesterday on a satellite telephone from a secret hide-out in Afghanistan."bb (The Jerusalem Post, 2001.09.13, p. 6).

Terror in America

Excerpts: Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), 2001.10.03

Following are excerpts from the cover story of the 2001.09.23 issue of the Egyptian newspaper, Al-Sha'ab, the mouthpiece of the Egyptian Islamist Al-Amal (Labor) party, by Dr. Muhammad Abbas, dedicated to the attacks on N.Y. and D.C…

"Despite all this, I did not exult. Death has glory and majesty, even when it is a dog that dies, let alone five thousand souls. I sat in front of the television and tears filled my eyes. I admit, I did not cry out of sympathy [for the victims] ; [I cried] out of fear of Allah the powerful, the precious, the victor, the avenger, the just; how he takes the tyrants just when they think they rule the Earth and are capable of confronting Him…"

"Islam is alive and well. The hero martyrs in Palestine are the ones who showed the world the incredible potential of the martyr's body. Whoever the perpetrators of the act [in the U.S.] may be, Islam is their teacher and their professor…" [For non-Muslims who presume to know more about Islam than the Muslims: ordinary Muslim Dr. declares the source "teacher and professor" is Islam, not extremists.]

Another Al-Sha'ab columnist, Muhammad Abd Al-Latif Hijazi, wrote: "I would be lying if I said that I felt any sympathy at all [for the victims] after the two World Trade Center towers were toppled in New York and the Pentagon was attacked, with a direct free kick. Thanks to Allah… I am not like those [Arab] rulers who must show fealty and obedience to their Jewish and American masters by expressing sorrow and grief over the terrible attack against the 'American democracy'…"

Columnist [not radical Muslim extremist] Khaled Al-Sharif added, "Everyone was in a state of shock because of what happened, and all were surprised to see America, which controls the world – collapse, and the Satan that rules the world – burn. The patron of terrorism was burned by its own fire…"

"It should be said, in all honesty: What happened to America was a divine decree, in which humans are completely uninvolved… What happened to America is the natural outgrowth of the terror and tyranny it employs, in broad daylight, against our Islamic people…"

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