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Serving The World Islamic Front For Ji•hâdꞋ against Jews and Crusaders Arm of
The Muslim Brotherhood?
Paqid Yirmeyahu (Paqid 16, the Netzarim)
Pâ•qidꞋ  Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhꞋ u

2004.03.31 – Over time, I've noticed that a significant segment of the leadership of every Islamic terror group, including al-Qaida, always connects back, ultimately, to the extreme faction of the The Muslim Brotherhood.

The two most prominent Muslim Brotherhood leaders, forming an indisputable link between al-Qaida and the 'Palestinians,' are Ayman a-Za•waꞋhᵊri – and Yasser Arafat!!! Both go way back in the The Muslim Brotherhood. al-Qaida's #2 man and the brains of al-Qaida, a-Za•waꞋhᵊri is also the indisputable link between al-Qaida and the The Muslim Brotherhood. (The "l" in "al-" a-Za•waꞋhᵊri is the technically correct spelling, but it isn't pronounced before a "z".)

Today's Islamic terror groups are direct spin-offs of the The Muslim Brotherhood. "The The Muslim Brotherhood… Was an Egyptian import… Founded in 1928… Over the decades it spawned deadly spin-offs like Khamas, Islamic Ji•hâdꞋ, Hizbullah, and al-Qaida. Yassin and Yasser Arafat were both members of the Egyptian [branch of Muslim] Brotherhood… The Brotherhood sponsored Anwar Sadat's assassination in 1981, for which Osama bin Laden's Egyptian deputy, Ayman a-Za•waꞋhᵊri was arrested and a-Za•waꞋhᵊri's associate, Abdel-Salam Farag, was executed. Throughout the Eighties and Nineties assassination attempts against Mubarak and murderous attacks against Christian Copts and tourists abounded" (Jerusalem Post 2004.03.24 editorial, Look who's talking). The #3 and #4 al-Qaida men, one of whom was captured, were both Arabs from the West Bank and Gaza, providing, along with the links in the preceding editorial, indisputable links between al-Qaida and the West Bank and Gaza Arabs.

Iran is also part of the The Muslim Brotherhood's al-Qaida. "On October 26, 1995, in Malta, Israeli agents assassinated Fathi Shkaki, the secretary-general of Palestinian Islamic Ji•hâdꞋ… As Islamic Ji•hâdꞋ began to decline, Iran became its primary funder, and Islamic Ji•hâdꞋ in turn became Iran's proxy in the West Bank and Gaza… The relationship between Khamas and [Khiz'b-Allah] ,Iran's leading terrorist proxy, dates back to the early 1990s.

"After being released from Israeli prison in 1997, [Sheikh] Yassin visited Iran and secured a multimillion dollar annual Iranian contribution to Khamas. In the Aksa Intifada, [Khiz'b-Allah] has been generous in sharing its expertise, smuggling plans, equipment, and operatives with the [disputed territories in the West Bank and Gaza]. [Khiz'b-Allah] has helped Khamas build rockets based on Katyushas and bombs – including the device used in the March 27, 2002 Passover Massacre… In the wake of Yassin's assassination, [Khiz'b-Allah] shelled northern Israel, further demonstrating the expanding ties between the two organizations.

"Within Khamas, power will pass to the Damascus-based political leadership under Khaled Mashaal, which is not as highly regarded as Yassin and which already cooperates closely with [Khiz'b-Allah] and Iran…

"[Khiz'b-Allah] has made inroads in the West Bank and Gaza, both among the [Arab] terorist organizations and in establishing independent terrorist cells and a social welfare network. In addition to the Islamic Ji•hâdꞋ, [Khiz'b-Allah]'s relations with the various factions associated with Yasser Arafat are well established. [Khiz'b-Allah]'s top terrorist, Imad Mughniyah, who masterminded the bombing of the US Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983 and the Karine A arms shipment to the Palestinian Authority in December 2001, was a member of Force 17, Yasser Arafat's elite bodyguard, in the early 1980s.

"Maariv reports that [Khiz'b-Allah] and Iran currently finance most Aksa Martyrs Brigade operations. With Khamas folded into this alliance, Israel could face a well-coordinated threat on three fronts directed from Iran.

"But the greater repercussions could be international. Ideologically, Khamas grew from the The Muslim Brotherhood, the original Islamic extremist organization, which viewed the United States as Islam's central enemy… [And from which al-Qaida also derived, emphasis added; ybd]

"Khamas is a branch of the The Muslim Brotherhood and could help cement (Shiite) [Khiz'b-Allah]'s ties with (Sunni) Islamist groups around the world.

"Khamas also has an international network of supporters who have raised tens of millions annually in North America, Britain, Europe, and Latin America. These networks could also provide logistical support for terror attacks. Already Khamas and [Khiz'b-Allah] have reportedly opened offices in Iraq, where they are infiltrating their supporters and recruiting Iraqis." (The Jerusalem Post 2004.03.30-15 Aaron Mannes, "Iran binds Hizbullah to Khamas").

According to Jane's, in 1988 bin Laden, a-Za•waꞋhᵊri and several others merged to form The World Islamic Front for Ji•hâdꞋ against Jews and Crusaders ([WIFJJC] 2001.09.28, Inside Al-Qaeda: a window into the world of militant Islam and the Afghani alumni, By Richard Engel, Cairo and Amman).

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[Interview inserted 2004.04.02] I asked A•ha•ron Mannes, author of the forthcoming book Profiles in Terror (Rowman, 2004.05) about the The Muslim Brotherhood.

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu – "I've noticed that a significant segment of the leadership of all of the Islamic terror groups, including al-Qaida, appear either to have derived from the The Muslim Brotherhood or to be proteges of some leader in the The Muslim Brotherhood.  Am I mistaken?"

A•ha•ron Mannes – "Thanks for your inquiry and compliments.  I can only give a limited reply because the situation is complicated.

"Al-Qaeda is rooted in the The Muslim Brotherhood ideologically and many, many of its members are drawn from the The Muslim Brotherhood (MB).  Additionally, the MB spawned numerous other terrorist groups - including Khamas - which have caused trouble on their own and linked up with al-Qaida.

"Overall, the MB – which fought at terror war in Egypt in the 1940s – was crushed by Nasser and has since been careful about engaging in violence.  Instead it has sought to Islamize society.  a-Za•waꞋhᵊri broke from the MB because it wasn't militant enough.  That does not mean the MB moderated (check my blog for some comments about their new leader) merely changed its tactics.

"The MB is a mass movement and I am not sure that viewing it as a terrorist group is quite right.  But it reflects and is a source of the mad ideologies that have gripped the Muslim world.  That is what needs to be countered.

"All the best and an early Shabbat Shalom,
"Aaron Mannes"

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Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu – A distinction must, therefore, be drawn between The Muslim Brotherhood, whose obverse face remains inscrutably prudent, concealed and insidious, while its reverse face emanates the Ji•hâdꞋ of Fi•da•yinꞋ Shu•had•âꞋ terrorism reflected in it's spawn – The World Islamic Front for Ji•hâdꞋ against Jews and Crusaders. Which is the true international terrorist movement and greatest threat to all of the non-Muslim world?

Several updates have been redacted below to reflect this new information, for which I thank A•ha•ron Mannes.

The Sunni side of the Islamic terrorism puzzle I'm beginning to piece together is starting to look like

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