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Anti-Terrorism Coalitions: Spraying Gas On Flames

Why do we fight the flames of terrorism by spraying them with gasoline?
Paqid Yirmeyahu (Paqid 16, the Netzarim)
Pâ•qidꞋ  Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhꞋ u

2005.07.07 Al-Qaida probably couldn’t hit the G8 Conference in Scotland because of the extensive security in place. They have consistently shown a clear preference for attacking soft targets. However, there may be important strategic implications, essential to winning the war against terrorism, in their choice of London rather than Paris – where the World Humanist Congress is convening.

The primary argument posed by Islamist supremacists to recruit shâ•hidꞋ bombers and financial supporters to attack democratic countries is that, compared to Islam, democracy represents the degeneracy of the kuph•ârꞋ, particularly Jews and "Crusaders". Degeneracy is the operative word inflaming hatred of Christians, Jews and other non-Muslims against freedom and democracy that is abused to foster degeneracy.

The World Humanist Congress is convening to plan their "war" against religious moralism. If the claim of the Islamist terrorist propagandists were true, that the war against the "infidels" is a fight against the creeping degeneracy of western democracies, then they would have attacked the World Humanist Congress in Paris today, not London.

That they attacked London instead of the World Humanist Congress suggests hypocrisy and misdirection in the Muslim supremacists. This presents a wedge that western democracies could drive between those Muslims who are sincerely pursuing a more moral environment and fi•da•yinꞋ leaders, whose true goals, clear from their choice of targets, is not morality but world domination in political and financial terms. That wedge is simply to reverse our march toward degeneracy, thereby removing the moral wind from falsely-pious sails of fi•da•yinꞋ leaders' primary motivational and recruiting argument.

Instead, however, western democracies, both in Europe and the U.S., race to embrace hedonist degeneracy in all of its facets; then have the temerity to wonder why perverse predators of every sort have begun to feel like they’re doing nothing worse than anyone else and why Muslims (as well as Bible-based Jews and Christians) reject such exaggerated "freedom," in utter disgust. Why do we persist in fighting the flames of terrorism by spraying them with gasoline? Just for the hedonist "pleasure," for those with the taste for it, of an occasional frolic in the cesspool with the perverts? Or keeping the perverts happy for their votes?

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