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2012.01.08, 0910  Yәru•shâ•laꞋ yim Universal Time

Book Review: Who Are the Netzarim?
Guest: Stephanie M
Location: Heber Springs, Arkansas, USA

With the recent emergence of the Dead Sea Scrolls, we learn that both the first-century Perushim and Tzedoqim Yehudim were non-selective in their observance of both written and oral Torah. This observance cannot exclude mishpatim and khuqim, the very definition of oral Torah (which Christianity so conveniently excludes from their writings). With Ribi Yehoshua and his talmidim as no exception, a lack of continuity becomes glaringly evident between the observant original Netzarim and (lehavdil) the misojudaic Torah-rejecting "saints". Additionally, the ousting of the Netzarim and their Paqid corroborates the LACK of smooth transition and continuity that misojudaics would have us believe took place. The knowledge that is gained through the information in the Dead Sea Scrolls is vital to both our understanding of life in the first-century and to the restoration of the Netzarim and ushering in of the era of the Mashiakh!

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