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2012.07.14, 1248  Yәru•shâ•laꞋ yim Daylight Time

Book Review: Who Are the Netzarim?
Guest: L Xz
Location: Philippines Cavite City, Philippines
Last Religious Affiliation: Transitioning from sabbath [oriented] xian group

שלום פקיד ירמיהו, הצדיק

“Who Are the Netzarim”, (WAN) is a very well-researched and scholarly work on the forgotten true followers of המשיח בן-יוטך בן-דוד רבי יהושע and how they have fared through time.

Years before reading the WAN, I learned through a old church friend before that the xian messiah need not be g*d to be the messiah (in fact he had to be human to be the משיח) and I was better able to appreciate the משיח more so than ever before. This led me to the realization that there is only one True אלוהם, our Father and that there is not two-in-one or three-in-one g*d that xianity promotes.

My search for a group that would allow me to continue keeping the שבת, the Holy Days and the dietary laws while acknowledging only one השם and the role of the human משיח has led me to Judaism (although Jews do not acknowledge רבי יהושע as the משיח), messianic Jews (who, I was disappointed to learn, were in fact Trinitarians) and ultimately the true נצרים.

My old church before admonished us to watch world events and be wary of the coming of the false messiah but through the facts presented in the WAN, I have learned that all xinaity had to do to find the antixrst is look in the mirror.

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