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Universities of Arizona & Tel Aviv DNA Study Inadvertently Prove

'Palestinians' Aren’t Philistines

Study finds genetic link between Jews, 'Palestinians'

Corroborates Ta•na"kh: Av•râ•hâm Fathered Both Yi•sᵊr•â•eil & Arab Nations
Paqid Yirmeyahu (Paqid 16, the Netzarim)
Pâ•qidꞋ  Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu

2000.05.11 (The Jerusalem Post, p. 4:) – ”Now, new DNA-based research reveals a genetic link between Jews and 'Palestinians', suggesting the two peoples, locked in a bitter struggle for more than a century, indeed share a common ancestry dating back 4,000 years.

”The study, published [3rdday] in Washington, DC, says the Y chromosome found in Jewish men may go back to a common pool of Middle Eastern ancestors.

”After the first major Jewish exile of 586 BCE, when Jews dispersed across Europe and North Africa, Jews largely retained their genetic identity, one that was formed in the Middle East, according to the study, led by Michael Hammer of the University of Arizona.

”Even after centuries of exile, Diaspora Jews remained closer to each other and more similar to 'Palestinians', Syrians and Lebanese in terms of shared Y chromosome characteristics than to people in their host countries, the study says. [Interestingly also, no similarity to Egyptians is mentioned – Greek lineage, e.g. Philistines, is entirely ruled out; ybd]

” ‘Eventually people will realize that they are not that different,’ said Batsheva Bonne-Tamir, a geneticist from Tel Aviv University who participated in the study. [No news here; ybd]

”Still, she cautioned that the techniques were new and that until the human genome is mapped, it will be difficult to be certain about the conclusions…

”Next in genetic affinity to Jews were 'Palestinians' and Syrians, followed by Saudi Arabians, Lebanese, and Druse…”.

Makes me wonder if 'Palestinians' and Samaritans are the ‘Lost Tribes’ assimilated into the Arabs in B.C.E. 586. Wouldn’t that alter the perspective on a Holy Land, and even Arab-occupied Har ha-Bayit, inhabited by Jews and 'Palestinians'?

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