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Orthodox Rabbi of Anti-Defamation League:

Most Jewish Violence: Kha•reid•im On Non-Orthodox

Paqid Yirmeyahu (Paqid 16, the Netzarim)
Pâ•qidꞋ  Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu

2000.06.30 The Jerusalem Post – After a Masorti (Conservative) "synagogue" was torched and several Reform "temples" vandalized, "Orthodox rabbi David Rosen, director of the Israel office of the Anti-Defamation League and former chief rabbi of Ireland, maintained: 'There is no question that the overwhelming majority of violence perpetrated in the name of [the Jewish] religion has come from the haredi community against non-Orthodox institutions, which the haredim see as a threat to their fundamental faith affirmations.' "

2000.06.28 The Jerusalem Post, ("The House of Israel should mourn", p. 8) – Two days earlier, Orthodox rabbi Shlomo Riskin, dean of the Ōr Tor•âh institutions and chief rabbi of Ëphᵊrât, mourned the torching of what Riskin called his own synagogue. "I call it [the Conservative synagogue] my synagogue because the Ta•lᵊmud teaches us that, even if a human being with whom Himself disagrees is caused pain, the Almighty cries out, ‘My head has been cursed, my arm has been cursed’ (Ta•lᵊmud Ma•sëkët Kha•gig•âh 15b), because every Jew is a part of [] and [] is a part of every Jew."

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