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Kissinger & Brzezinski

Israel in the War Against Terrorist-Islam
(NOT mainstream Islam)
CNN Late Edition, Narrator Wolf Blitzer, 2001.09.23
Paqid Yirmeyahu (Paqid 16, the Netzarim)
Pâ•qidꞋ  Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhꞋ u

[Kissinger] "I think we need to provide a checklist to [Muslim / Arab] countries, by which we will determine whether they’re actually cooperating in the anti-terrorist campaign, and one principle component of that must be to stop the flow of financial support to terrorist groups, or to charities that are fronts for terrorist groups…

"I think a symbolic meeting between Sharon and Arafat might be very useful. But for Israel to make concessions before a big success has been achieved against terrorists will enable the terrorists to say that after they bombed New York, and killed thousands of people, America exacted concessions which we wouldn’t do before, and would establish anti-American terrorism as the method for dealing with the Arab-Israeli conflict.

"So what we have to tell Arafat is this: If you want American support you have to help us win the fight against terrorism. For peace, you need American diplomacy. But you can’t get American diplomacy until you help us win the war. But I would try to prevent Israel from doing things that will disturb the equilibrium. But I would NOT recommend that this is the time to make significant concessions."

[Brzezinski] "Right. I would say that the basic formula I would use is that Arab moderates and Israel should be on the same side because that makes it easier to isolate the extremists who in turn support terrorists."

True that Arab moderates and Israel should be on the same side. It isn’t Israel who has a problem with that! The public statement that an Arab and/or Muslim state is on the same side as Israel in the war against terrorism should be the acid test demonstrating whether they remain on the side of the terrorists or have genuinely committed themselves against terror!

The unfortunate reality, though, is that short of Israel capitulating her entire existence, no Arab state – not even Jordan – can withstand the popular backlash of its people by siding with Israel. For their entire lives, Arabs of Muslim countries have been indoctrinated with two doctrines they cannot now undo by any means in less than another generation – if they start now (and, at this point, they aren't even thinking about starting). The popular indoctrination they're giving their children in their schools is:

  1. "Zionists" – a Muslim euphemism for adherents of Judaism – are sub-human ("pigs") intractable enemies, and
  2. America is the 'great Sâ•tân.'

Muslim and Arab countries realize that their very survival now depends on making a temporary nice-nice with a furious America – temporary allies looking for the first opportunity to safely bolt. But, in the real world, no predominantly Muslim government is going to side with "Zionists" against other Muslim states. (Like it or not, admit it or not, the war has a religious dimension.) Israel must NOT be willing to fritter away her survival to prove that point… and America must not collaborate with Arab and/or Muslim states in extracting it from her.

The trouble with meeting with Arafat is that Arafat isn’t the moderate that America so desperately wants him to be, and therefore insists on deluding herself that he is. Arafat is a terrorist who’s cunning enough to recognize the advantage of displaying English moderate-speak to cover his under-the-table collusion with all of the major terrorist groups: Hamas, Hizb’Allah, Islamic Jihad, Fatah (Arafat’s personal wing of the PLO whose West Bank head, Marwan Barghouti, has been ordered extradited for terrorism by an Israeli court), the entire array of terrorist ‘Palestinian’ groups, et alexactly like Osama Bin Laden does! (While touting a sham ‘cease-fire,’ it’s well documented that the ‘Palestinians’ attack Israel on an average of 10 times every night!!!) All of these terrorist organizations are Arafat’s allies and Arafat is their ally. Osama Bin Laden learned his trade from Arafat! Likewise, the ‘Palestinian’ Authority run by Arafat is an organization that harbors, shelters, promotes, publicly celebrates and idolizes terrorists and terrorist organizations. Arafat and the PA are EXACTLY the epitomy of what America has defined as the target of their war on terrorism!

America should be enlisting Israel to fight Arafat and the PA, NOT trying to force Israel to go to bed with them!

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