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Saudi Islam & Terror

Paqid Yirmeyahu (Paqid 16, the Netzarim)
Pâ•qidꞋ  Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhꞋ u

2003.09.21 The Saudi reappraisal of al-Qaida began on 05.12 (of 2003), not 09.11 (of 2001). Until 2003.05.12, the Saudis ignored that 15 of the 19 terrorists who attacked the WTC on 09.11 were Saudis. (The remaining 4 were Egyptians.) 05.12, readers may remember, was the al-Qaida attack on residential complexes housing foreigners in Riyadh.

Even since 05.12, a significant fraction of terrorists mysteriously elude Saudi sweeps: "at least two broke out of a safe house under surveillance, 10 escaped from another hideaway when police approached, and seven slipped through a police cordon during a five-hour gun battle in Riyadh." (Time Magazine, 2003.09.15). In one case, a police officer was arrested.

All of this points to al-Qaida infiltration into Saudi security forces. On the body of one fleeing terrorist Saudis found a letter signed by Usama Bin Laden. Corroborating this, "in a new book, Why America Slept, author Gerald Posner quotes U.S. officials as saying a key al-Qaida operative in U.S. custody, Abu Subaydah, told his interrogators that al-Qaida had an explicit deal with the Saudi royals to desist from violence in the kingdom in exchange for Saudi financing (Time Magazine).

"U.S. investigators… sometimes suspect that the Saudis are… stalling, to protect Saudi individuals from embarrassment… protecting charities associated with the royal family and its friends… the bank records of a charity suspected of being an al-Qaida front mysteriously disappeared… the Saudi government has demonstrated a lack of openness in some areas, causing [a U.S. counter-terrorism official] to wonder what it has to hide. For example, the official tells Time, the Saudis have denied U.S. officials access to several suspects in custody, including a Saudi in detention for months who had knowledge of extensive plans to inject poison gas in the New York subway system." (Time Magazine). This duplicity continues while both the Saudi Spokesman and the Foreign Minister were assuring the U.S. public that they were fighting terror.

In a world in which Islam doesn’t dominate militarily as it aspires to, the intolerance intrinsic to Orthodox (Wahhabi) Islam necessarily breeds terrorism. According to Time, Orthodox (Wahhabi) Islam "ha[s] no place for free will or human rights, let alone separation of mosque and state."

Matters will get worse before they get better. Saudis pay ever decreasing attention to the official state clerics under the thumb of the Saud (royal) family. "Those imams who still counsel against jihadist terrorism, says [French expert on Islam Gilles] Kepel, may be in earnest [and there are serious doubts as to their earnestness]. But they 'inevitably combine it with injunctions to embrace "real" Islam all the more zealously' " (Time Magazine).

Changing minds

Here, for Nᵊtzâr•im, beyond our efforts to defend Israel in the eyes of the world’s media, is the essence of the matter. While Saudis and other Muslims deny that Orthodox (Wahhabi) Islam, the state religion of Saudi Arabia, incites terrorism, it is, nevertheless, a fact.

Though the Saudis exported it first to Afghanistan and Pakistan in return for their own safety, Saudi Arabia is crawling with terrorists-in-waiting. From Pakistan to Indonesia and the U.S., Islamic ma•drasꞋas are the fomenting ground for terrorist training from kindergarten age and up, teaching hatred and killing of "Jews and infidels" (non-Muslims). They are financed by Saudi money and, unsurprisingly, stocked with Orthodox Saudi-Wahhabi schoolbooks; as are many of the Islamic Cultural Centers, mosques, Islamic colleges, Islamic schools and supporting Islamic charities (also bolstered by generous Saudi gifts) across the world – including the U.S.

Most of Islam, and Orthodox Islam in particular, has embarked on a mission to proselytize the world through a two-pronged approach: propaganda and terror. Some branches of Islam emphasize propaganda, others terror. But virtually all of Islam teaches an intolerant form of proselytization. Only the extent to which they embrace, and admit, each prong varies. It’s succeeding wildly, which explains Muslim enthusiasm and willingness to sacrifice. (Most Muslim terrorists are well educated and from affluent backgrounds. Contrary to academic theory, relatively few terrorists come from abject poverty.)

Therefore, the only effective remedy is to recognize that this is a religious war and meet Islam on the field of theology. There isn’t one Islamic claim that can be documented before the 7the century C.E.!!! Prior to that, pre-Islamic Arabs worshiped Aphrodite-Athena by the name Al-ilat (Herodotus, Histories III.38). According to Kitab al-Asnam (the Book of Idols) by Hisham b. al-Kalbi, the pre-Islamic Arabs believed Al-ilat, which morphed into Al-lah, resided in the Kaaba and also had a stone statue idol in the sanctuary. Thus, the Kaaba in Mecca is, in historical fact, a pagan temple of Al-ilat / Allah, which the Arabs used to circumambulate; NOT a "mosque" built by Abraham, as Arabs believe. See also pâ•râsh•at Ki Teitzei.

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