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America’s Freedom of Speech & Press: For Muslims Only,

Not For American "Infidels"

© Yirmeyahu Ben-David, 2005.05.18

Paqid Yirmeyahu (Paqid 16, the Netzarim)
Pâ•qidꞋ  Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhꞋ u

I’m no longer convinced that the Newsweek article was wrong. Newsweek hasn’t acknowledged or otherwise indicated that they were wrong. Rather, they backed away from their article for two reasons:

  1. their source cannot come forward with the kind of absolute proof that is now being demanded and

  2. the withering pressure from the U.S. government and public that, because they cannot prove it, they should retract the assertion that American soldiers desecrated the Quran in order to save lives and minimize the damage to America’s image in the Muslim world.

Muslim ''Palestinian'' Arab Jihadists Destroy Joseph''s Tomb
Click to enlarge÷ÆáÆø Yo•seiph, ha-Tza•diq, 2000.10.07 – destroyed and desecrated by Muslim Arab Jihadist "Palestinians" of Arab-occupied Shᵊkhëm (Hellenized, then Arabized, to "Nablus"), celebrating on its ruins with their "Palestinian" flag.
÷ÆáÆø Yo•seiph, ha-Tza•diq, burned–again (2015.10.16)–by Muslim Arab Jihadists. And world still learns nothing.

This means that Newsweek hasn’t pulled the plug on the article because it was actually wrong. Any similar article — that didn’t result in Muslim terrorism — would still stand on their original unnamed source. That means that this article is being killed solely because of Muslim threats of terrorism. Stated another way, freedom of the press in America, the cornerstone of American freedom that America wouldn’t compromise for anything else, has today succumbed to Muslim terrorism.

This should be a thunderbolt to Americans. Nothing has been more sacrosanct in America than free speech and free press; and, now, neither speech nor press is free.

The pretext for this subjugation of American freedom is desecration of a sacred book. Let’s examine that premise: the Muslim Arabs’ record of desecrations, not even counting blowing up the two giant stone idols in Afghanistan in 2001.

Click to enlarge÷ÆáÆø Yo•seiph, Muslim Arabs of Shᵊkhëm, who desecrated and destroyed it, standing on it.
÷ÆáÆø Yo•seiph, destroyed by Muslim Arabs of Shᵊkhëm

Desecration of holy texts refers only to desecration of Islamic texts. The texts of the infidels is a different matter entirely. Muslims exercise a double standard and desecrate the most holy Jewish texts and sites, including our Temple Mount. Americans should not be surprised that Muslims exercise a double standard of freedom of speech and press — even in "infidel" America. Freedom has been transformed in America into freedom for Muslims only — and subjugation to Islam for all infidels.

It is Americans making excuses for not confronting Muslim terrorism that is extinguishing American freedom; not the Newsweek article, nor Salman Rushdie, nor Pres. Bush, nor Tony Blair, nor the Jews nor Israel. It is American weakness before the onslaught of Muslim terrorism that proves to Muslims that their terrorism works. American freedom, R.I.P.

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