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What if it was an Arab-Muslim Regime, Instead of Israel, Pursuing Peace?
Paqid Yirmeyahu (Paqid 16, the Netzarim)
Pâ•qidꞋ  Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu
Israeli F-15 landing
Click to enlargeIsraeli F-15 landing

2006.07.28, 1100 Yᵊru•shâ•layim Time – As I look back on the peace treaties that Israel achieved with Jordan and Egypt, or further back in history, I don't see where anyone who begged for peace achieved peace on any reasonable terms.

Certainly, none of the occupiers of our land were ever concerned about "saving face" or "honor" when they imposed their occupation over our land. Peace with reasonable and defensible terms is only achieved through strength with an enemy who is left without choice. Those who prevent Israel's strength to exercise that option conceal their covert and insidious goal is to bring about its opposite: leaving Israel with no choice but to capitulate to our enemies demands to eradicate Israel. Yes, that is most certainly anti-Israel and miso-Judaic!

And It Was Israel that…

What if it were Israel who periodically crossed Syria's borders to raid Syrian villages and capture Syrian soldiers for hostage, or bombed arms routes on the Syrian side of the Bekaa Valley in Syria and Lebanon weekly or daily for years on end? What's fair for Syria, Lebanon, Khiz'b-Allah, Khamas, Fatah, Islamic Jihad and a long list of similar groups must (!) be fair for Israel too. If the world doesn't wish to afford Israel those privileges, then the world must stop our enemies from exercising those same privileges against Israel!

A disadvantage that Israel must overcome in this respect is that Israel, because we don't want Syria, cannot counter Syria's (and other Arab regimes') designs to take over and eliminate Israel by designing the opposite strategy (Israel taking over and eliminating, for example, Syria). However, Israel doesn't need to match our enemies on that point because it is more than sufficient to design and maneuver an Iraq paradigm of regime change.

This is something that the U.S. (and, perhaps, the U.K.) would be happy to help with. Making Syrian lives miserable because of Assad coupled, with the carrot that their lives could be happy and prosperous under a regime that was more amicable toward Israel, should become Israel's long-term goal – for a better life for Syrians as well as furthering American and European interests vis-à-vis N. Korea, Russia and China.

If the carrot that their lives could be happy and prosperous – with a more amicable orientation to Israel – were dangled in front of Gazan Arabs more regularly and conspicuously (instead of constant American and European rebukes of Israel, rewarding Arab-Muslim intransigence) we would achieve success with this strategy more quickly there too. They must both be made to choose between the carrot of happy and prosperous lives being amicable toward Israel or the certainty of the stick manifested in escalating retaliations from Israel they must bear in order to carry on their hateful designs to eliminate Israel. It won't be quick but it is certain that every alternative is infinitely worse for Israel, and that is worse for peace. Syria is weak but has Saddam's old chemical (and perhaps bio) WMDs and is arming herself with missiles from Iran and purchasing naval warships from Russia. That window is closing. In many respects, Iran is similar. When we allowed Khiz'b-Allah to fester unhindered…

For those who really want peace, rather than Israel's eradication, the question is do they have the courage to pursue it, unswervingly despite its miso-Judaic unpopularity, or are they really frightened into begging from a position of cowering reluctance, fearing to assert Israel's equality and our right to counter any and every aggression by these bellicose regimes that admire Hitler and are implacably bent on annihilating Israel? Is Israel too fearful to demonstrate the iron will necessary to achieve a peace that allows Israel to exist on a permanent basis? Peace can only be achieved through strength. The generals' suggestion to expand the war when they still hadn't been able to secure the first two border village-bases was reckless, not strength. However, the Israeli Cabinet's decision to hobble the IDF in dealing with Khiz'b-Allah border village-bases demonstrates that Israel's leadership lacks the necessary resolve to protect Israel – meaning that either Israel's leadership will have to find courage or Israel must change her leadership in order to endure.

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