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2012.05.19, 1925  Yәru•shâ•laꞋ yim Daylight Time

Official Conversion
Guest: Devesh John 'Keith' David
Location: Mumbai India
Last Religious Affiliation: Transitioning from Christianity

שלום פקיד ירמיהו, הצדיק

Shalom ve Shavua Tov Mevorakh to you and to your family.....its been a long time since the last time we interacted.....

my Progress into Yahadut...is going Khazak...Barukh Hashem...

I am prepared to undergo an Official Orthodox Conversion......but the main challenge for me is that we do not have any Halakhic Authority to give me an Official Conversion...

the only contact in Israel is the Rabbi who I had studied with Rabbi Yehoshua Kolet who now lives in Ashdod......I had written to him about my status...but the answer was the same ...an Official Giyur can take place only in Israel....

any Giyur in India....will not be recognized in Israel......

Adoni Yirmeyahu...can you help me in referring me to Orthodox Rabbanim there...


Kol Tov..

I recall telling you before, more than once, we're glad that you continue to try to keep Torah, as everyone should do, but we don't intrude on the rabbis by involving ourselves in conversions of their followers and that they've been handling. What your rabbi tells you is what you'll have to live with. It is not our place to intrude and we will not become involved.

Recall also that I've stated many times that one need not convert / become a Jew in order to keep Tor•âhꞋ .

Since, in the past several years, the Ultra-Orthodox / Kha•reid•imꞋ  have succeeded in imposing their own extremist views in the Israeli Rabbinate, there is no longer any such thing as the Orthodox conversions of the past. In the past, conversions could not be rescinded unless there was fraud. This is no longer the case as thousands of conversions have been "thrown out" (and only some, not all, of them restored). What they now call an "Orthodox" conversion is, in fact, their new Ultra-Orthodox / Kha•reid•imꞋ  strictness and standards, under Ultra-Orthodox / Kha•reid•imꞋ  supervision and requiring Ultra-Orthodox / Kha•reid•imꞋ  approval. Anything else, including Orthodox conversions dating back decades, they no longer "recognize" unless they wish to. There is no more standard of Ha•lâkh•âhꞋ . Now, they do whatever they please.

Thus, the only choice accepted now by the Israeli government is absolute and tyrannical Ultra-Orthodox Kha•reid•iꞋ  rule when it comes to conversions (as well as marriage and divorce). Anyone who goes that route invites a lifetime of enslavement to the Ultra-Orthodox Kha•reid•imꞋ  rabbis and extortion that conversion standards can – again – be Kha•reid•iꞋ -ized and your conversion can be rescinded, based on the strictness of their future standards, at any future time that you may disappoint or disagree with them, with no statute of limitations. You would, for the rest of your life, always face the extortion that tomorrow, if the Ultra-Orthodox Kha•reid•iꞋ  aren't happy with you—perhaps you watch a TV show or use the internet other than how they stipulate—they might rescind your conversion. That kind of Ultra-Orthodox Kha•reid•iꞋ  extortion amounts to slavery and is no way for anyone to live. Unless and until the Israeli government reinstates the old Orthodox standards I advise not converting through the Israeli Rabbinate. Today, that means that Ultra-Orthodox Kha•reid•imꞋ  rabbis have made historically authentic Orthodox conversions impossible.

(Pâ•qidꞋ  YirmәyâhꞋ u, Ra•a•nanꞋ â(h), Yi•sә•râ•eilꞋ ) Israel

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