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Ultra-Orthodox (Kha•reid•im) Corruption & Schisms

Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi Elifant vs Ultra-Orthodox Deri & Sha"s???

Paqid Yirmeyahu (Paqid 16, the Netzarim)
Pâ•qidꞋ  Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu

1999.06.15 Government Press Office, Information Division, Israel Foreign Ministry, Yᵊru•shâ•layim-Ârëtz – "suggests that "numerous questions" arise from the affidavit submitted to the Jerusalem District Court by Itri Yᵊshiv•âh dean Rabbi Mordechai Elifant – according to whom "about $6 million and another NIS 9 million disappeared from the yᵊshiv•âh and were smuggled to Switzerland and other unknown destinations."

"In the affidavit, Elifant charges that, when he discovered the fiscal discrepancy, "Aryeh Deri… pressured him" not summon the authorities; instead, Deri proposed an "internal arbitration, in which he would play a central role."

Despite the fact that Deri has denied any wrongdoing, the [-Ârëtz] editors are convinced that the Elifant affidavit is only "the tip of an iceberg of malfeasance whose summit is the transfer of huge sums of money and whose murky base conceals other distressing incidents." Moreover, "this is not the first time that questionable transactions involving the transfer of funds and dubious real estate deals have been uncovered in the ultra-Orthodox sector, especially in the yᵊshiv•âh world" – a reality that has led credence to characterizations of "ultra-Orthodox wheeler-dealers as conducting affairs in some closed world based on scorn for the rule of law."

With a great many details of the affair still unclear, "the Israel Police… must open a comprehensive investigation to solve the Itri riddle."

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