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Rabbi Ariel Bar-Tzadok: Liar & Khi•lul é--ä

Lᵊshon - &
Mo•tzi Sheim Râ

Yeshivah Benei-Nevi'im, Chicago, IL

Rabbi Ariel Bar-Tzadok blatantly and brazenly lies about, slanders, smears and misrepresents the Nᵊtzâr•im, spreading the lie that we believe in Yesh"u, when the fact is that we regard Yesh"u as a pagan idol and certainly don't believe in it [sic] or follow it. Exactly the contrary.

You'll notice that Rabbi Ariel Bar-Tzadok resorts to all manner of distortions, smears and perversions of logic. Rabbi Ariel Bar-Tzadok insinuates our guilt by association with groups that we have no connection with. Rabbi Ariel Bar-Tzadok insists that we believe things that we don't believe. Rabbi Ariel Bar-Tzadok denies that we believe things that we do believe. Rabbi Ariel Bar-Tzadok arrogantly publishes contradictions to my own declarations about what I believe and what I stand for – as if he knows better than I do what I believe and what I stand for. In doing so, Rabbi Ariel Bar-Tzadok presumes to displace ha-Sheim as the only One who knows what I believe as well as I do. He presumes to place himself above ha-Sheim, for ha-Sheim chooses to respect, and not contradict, a man's declaration of his own beliefs.

Only liars and slanderers are afraid to name names. We don't hesitate to expose the truth. We provide the names and, when we have it, their organizations, their web sites, and their email addresses.

One of the best ways to shut down irresponsible slanderers and hate-mongers is to complain to the Internet servers who give them their platform. Their Internet servers don't like hate-mongers giving them a bad reputation of collaborating. Please complain to their Internet servers about their spreading of brazen lies and hate propaganda. We provide the email address of their Internet servers to send a complaint to at the end of the page.

R' Bar-Tzadoq: " "Christian missionaries have been infiltrating the Orthodox Jewish community and deceiving kosher Jews into believing that they too are kosher Jews (G-d forbid)… you might be surprised to find out that one of your friends, or the one who sits next to you in shul (or your shul president) is actually a secret Christian missionary. No? Not possible? Then listen to the following true-life examples. I will leave names out to avoid any legal entanglements."

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: What he really means is that he knows he needs to avoid the legal consequences of his slanderous lies.

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "Recently I discovered a website out of Ra'anana Israel that represents a group led by a Baptist preacher who allegedly has converted to Orthodox Judaism."

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: "…led by a Baptist preacher"?!? I was once a Baptist preacher. I certainly put that behind me before converting to Orthodox Judaism. Calling me a Baptist preacher is lie enough. Yet, he even slanders the good Orthodox rabbis who converted me, implying that they converted a practicing Baptist preacher. If anyone wonders why I don't give out the names of the rabbis who converted me, here is the reason. Orthodox rabbis and other proper authorities have access to this documentation. I will not subject these fine Orthodox rabbis to such outrageous slander by publishing their names to the public.

"Allegedly???" This is impugning by insinuating a lie, a textbook example of mo•tzi sheim râ. Any reader willing to confront the truth can document for himself or herself that I've converted to Orthodox Judaism by consulting my bio. Any university Hebrew teacher, or JCC Hebrew teacher or rabbi can translate these Hebrew documents for you. Those who refuse to check the documentation are in flagrant transgression of the Tor•âh prohibition against lo-tei•leikh râ•khil bᵊ-amᵊkhâ (Don't go around slanderously-gossiping among your kindred). Perhaps he doesn't regard me as his "kindred." However, the documentation, which carries the halakhic authority, does recognize me as his "kindred," convicting him of the transgression regardless of his opinion. Once a person verifies the documentation, then all that remains of his sentence would be: "Recently I discovered a website out of Ra'anana Israel that represents a group led by a former Baptist preacher who is now an Orthodox Jew."

No legitimate grounds so far to condemn me or the Nᵊtzâr•im.

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "This man now serves on the board of directors of a Yemenite synagogue and proclaims himself a "Pakid" (a term noting leadership found in the Dead Sea Scrolls"

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: Here he exaggerates by leaving out an important point. This Yemenite synagogue is an Orthodox synagogue. If he'd bothered to read our material he'd also have learned that I'm not merely "self-proclaimed" as the Pâ•qid. Through circumstances that only é--ä could have accomplished, é--ä placed me in the position of Pâ•qid. To quote Rabbi Greenwald in Shaarei Halachah, "Halakhically, slander is anything derogatory which is said about others… Halakhically, slander may be something which is completely true" (but which, nevertheless, "is likely to result in hatred or dissension"). Thus, even if I were self-proclaimed, he nevertheless, transgresses Tor•âh by his lᵊshon -.

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "and used by Yesh"u, mah shmo, and his original followers)."

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: Our books show clearly that the Nᵊtzâr•im hold that Yesh"u never had any connection whatsoever to the Nᵊtzâr•im, and that Yesh"u is the diametric antithesis of Ribi Yᵊho•shua.

Any reputable university historian can verify for you that the "original followers" of Christian Yesh"u were the first "bishops" of Aelia Capitolina in 135 C.E. and that 4th century Christianity was diametrically antithetical to historical Ribi Yᵊho•shua and the 1st century C.E. Nᵊtzâr•im.

There has never been any legitimate connection between Yesh"u and any Nᵊtzâr•im Pâ•qid. They were, in fact, exact opposites. To be correct, the sentence would have to read: "…Pâ•qid (a term noting leadership found in the Dead Sea Scrolls and elsewhere, used by Ribi Yᵊho•shua and his original Nᵊtzâr•im followers before 135 C.E. – as contrasted with the Christian 'bishops' of Yesh"u and its [sic] Christian followers after 135 C.E."

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "This so-called convert to Judaism"

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: "So-called"??? Once again he resorts to impugning by insinuating a lie, another textbook example of mo•tzi sheim râ. All anyone has to do is check the documentation available from Schueller House. Those refuse to check the documentation have no excuse for their slander. Once a person verifies the documentation, then the sentence reads: "This Orthodox Jew…" Still nothing to condemn me or the Nᵊtzâr•im for.

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "…claims he has revived the "first century teachings of Rebe Yehoshua" before Christians and Church misinterpreted them. While to some progressive minds, this might sound like a good move forward, but it is no better that Eve's eating the fruit from the forbidden Tree. It might "look good" but looks are deceiving. In reality, this group is one of many who are now employing the newest and most deceptive missionary techniques. They are trying to infiltrate Orthodox Judaism and weaken our Divinely ordained resolve against the evil false prophet Yesh"u, may his name be blotted out.

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: Notice that he doesn't have any quotation from me that would connect me or the Nᵊtzâr•im to this. That's because none exist. This is, yet again, textbook mo•tzi sheim râ. He doesn't even offer any specific reason why "it is no better that Eve eating the fruit from the forbidden tree." He doesn't bother to give any basis at all, beyond his opinion, for his comparison. That's because there is no specific reason that he can verify except ad hominem. Of course, that hasn't stopped him elsewhere.

Neither does he know the difference between "Rebbe" and "Ribi." "Rebbe" is a modern innovation, mostly peculiar to Khabad. There were no "Rebbes" in first century Judaea.

His arguments are still confined to mo•tzi sheim râ, attributing to us guilt by association to groups we have nothing to do with. There is still nothing here to condemn me or the Nᵊtzâr•im for.

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "This is not the first time or the first group to attempt such a fraud. Many years ago on Long Island, NY there was a similar group with similar intent."

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: Again, R. Bar-Tzadoq attempts to paint the Nᵊtzâr•im with the brush of some other group that has no connection to us whatsoever. Guilt by association. Textbook mo•tzi sheim râ.

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "I myself was personally involved in fighting this group. After its leader was exposed as a fraud and as a possible homosexual and child molester, he went into hiding on the West Coast for over ten years. Most of his followers fell away, with some of them converting and apparantly becoming Orthodox Jews. Notice that I say "apparantly." The reason is that recently in the last two years this missionary leader has resurfaced and reclaimed many of his old followers."

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: That certainly wasn't me or the Nᵊtzâr•im! Yet again, R. Bar-Tzadoq resorts to painting the Nᵊtzâr•im – and me personally – with the brush of some other group that has no connection to us whatsoever. Guilt by association. Textbook mo•tzi sheim râ.

Notice what's left of his arguments when all of the logical flaws are removed! Pure, blind, unbridled sin•at khi•nâm (blind hatred).

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "While a small number remain faithful Torah observant Jews who reject their past with the cult, others exposed themselves to be what they truly were, cult spies on a mission to learn more about Torah Judaism and the Orthodox community. These include a past president of one Young Israel congregation in mid Nassau County, a prominent member of one of the biggest Orthodox/Hasidic shuls in the Five Towns area of Long Island and at least one student of Yeshiva University. Some prominent Orthodox Rabbis in New York unknowingly converted others secretly belonging to this cult. These missionaries pulled the wool over the eyes of these Rabbis and over the eyes of others in their Orthodox communities.

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: It isn't enough to slander the Nᵊtzâr•im. Now R' Bar-Tzadoq impugns honorable Orthodox rabbis as incompetent and negligent!!!

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "Once the leader of this cult resurfaced these individuals moved out of their Orthodox communities and moved into a new cult compound. Their children, many of whom were raised in yeshivas, and were born kosher Jews, are now under the dominion of the cult leader who is instilling in them all types of missionary garbage, filth and lies. These children, I am afraid will be the ones to come back and cause the Jewish community great harm. Being born and raised among us, they will know how to best infiltrate us inflicting upon us the poison taught to them by their cult leader whom they call their "abba."

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: My Israeli born-Jewess daughter calls me "abba." Gee, is that alright R' Bar Tzadoq??? (If not, there's a lot of Orthodox rabbis here in Israel who also have daughters and are in BIG trouble with R' Bar Tzadoq.) He continues to paint us with the brush of some other group, simply spreading lies about us. Textbook mo•tzi sheim râ.

By earlier lumping the Nᵊtzâr•im in as one of "these groups," R' Bar-Tzadoq continues to slander us with lies through guilt by association with groups with whom we strongly disagree and that have no connection whatsoever to the Nᵊtzâr•im. Here, I don't even have any idea what groups he's talking about (and I'm not particularly interested).

The leading cause that "born kosher Jews" wind up in Christianity and other cults is exactly because of the blind hatred, slandering, and lying so expertly demonstrated by R' Bar-Tzadoq!!! In all of his blind hatred and refusal to check documentation and deal with facts, R' Bar-Tzadoq is one of the most effective reasons driving "born kosher Jews" to Christianity. R' Bar-Tzadoq is a perfect example of Jews whom Christians point to in their portrayal of Judaism as having no alternative but to resort to lies, misrepresentations, slander and deceit. When "born kosher Jews" check the facts, they are driven away by R' Bar-Tzadoqs in droves. No one bears greater responsibility for driving "born kosher Jews" into the arms of Christianity. For R' Bar-Tzadoq to impugn me, an Orthodox Jew trying to lead a life according to Tor•âh and bring others to the joy of Tor•âh, is the ultimate hypocrisy.

Important! – Readers please note that the ravings of mo•tzi sheim râ aren't typical of Orthodox rabbis. Orthodox rabbis I know aren't consumed with hate. Orthodox rabbis I know are people of integrity who are kind, compassionate, careful to check facts, to verify documentation and then convey the truth, doing as little harm as possible. Orthodox rabbis I know are among the most kind and loving people I've ever met. Unfortunately, it's the blind haters who are the most vocal and receive the most attention – resulting in khilul ha-Sheim (profaning the Name).

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "With more and more individuals in the orthodox community assimilating into "modern Orthodox" patterns of passivity, more and more cult activity is finding its way into our synagogues and into the lives of our children. However evil and sinister this situation be, no one, especially the Rabbanim seem to care."

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: Readers can suddenly see that I and the Nᵊtzâr•im are in the good company of the "modern Orthodox" and "especially the Rabbanim," whom R' Bar-Tzadoq also slanders.

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "When I approached a Rabbi in New York to inform him that there was a missionary known to me that had infiltrated his congregation, he took no action whatsoever. He did not take the threat seriously. I later found out that this missionary was using the rabbis teachings to build for himself arguments in an attempt to make kosher in Jewish eyes the trefah (unkosher) Yesh"u (mah shmo).

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: Again we hear that R' Bar-Tzadoq presumes to know better than these other Orthodox rabbis. He is unwilling to accept that the attending rabbi, not R' Bar-Tzadoq, is the local halakhic authority in such matters. Once advised, the local rabbi decides. That's Ha•lâkh•âh – which I and the Nᵊtzâr•im accept… but R' Bar-Tzadoq is unwilling to accept! Refusal to accept Ha•lâkh•âh, however, is what defines one outside of Orthodox Judaism. Ha•lâkh•âh also recognizes me as a Jew in good standing, but R' Bar-Tzadoq doesn't accept Ha•lâkh•âh that he finds personally inconvenient. Refusal to accept Ha•lâkh•âh non-selectively is the sine qua non that distinguishes Christians from Judaism.

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "One of the leaders of the Jews for Yesh"u movement who resides in Maryland has a Ph.D. in Jewish Studies from New York University. He is so well versed in Torah literature that he can quote to me (in debate) the writings of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein and HaRav Ovadiah Yosef. What business does a missionary have in knowing these works? He twists the words of our holy Rabbanim to make them support positions that the missionaries hold dear. Mind you, Jewish converts to Christianity are the most zealous of missionaries, so much so that they become anti-Semitic, all the while that they cloak themselves in garments of Jewish respectability. All their Jewishness is but a sham whitewash covering over their true Christian missionary nature. This individual is all these things.

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: Poor R' Bar-Tzadoq. Even he acknowledges that he's incapable of dealing with Jews for J missionaries. As if that's the fault of the Jews for J missionaries?!? Instead of wishing missionaries would stay ignorant perhaps R' Bar-Tzadoq should develop some humility, pass the baton to someone in the Jewish community who knows what they're doing, who isn't blinded by sin•at khi•nâm (blind hatred), and leave the stage gracefully.

By the way, as anyone can read for themselves (Larry King I & Larry King II), I find it effortless to expose the ignorance of Jews for J missionaries. It's no trouble… when you know what you're doing.

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "Some of these new style "Orthodox Jewish" missionaries (like the ones in Ra'anana, Maine and Colorado)"

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: Just in case anyone might have gotten the impression that R' Bar-Tzadoq wasn't including me and the Nᵊtzâr•im in any of this, he repeats the reference to Ra'anana. By placing "Orthodox Jewish" in quotes, he again commits lᵊshon -, and perhaps mo•tzi sheim râ as well.

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "wish to distance themselves from the Church and Christianity so to make themselves appear to be "authentically" Jewish. They say they do not believe that Yesh"u (mah shmo) is a god, nor do they pray to him. They say that they are "true" Jews who observe the Torah and Halakha according to their "Rebbe Yehoshua, Melekh HaMashiah" (G-d forbid). They study our Torah, wear kippot and daven with Talit and Tefillin. They also observe their own forms of Kashrut and Shabat and will discuss the Mishneh Berurah with you. If you met one of these types unless you knew what specific questions to ask, you would think that you are talking to a brother Orthodox Jew. Yet, there are still many things that still separate us from them. Most of them still believe that the Christian Bible is (G-d forbid) the infallible word of G-d. Thus, they accept the authority of the Christian word over the Torah of our holy Rabbanim. They will not come out and say this per se. They have learned how to deceptively represent their position on this matter to confuse people into not understanding their true beliefs. This alone makes these missionaries to be apostates upon whom all curses should be fulfilled.

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: We believe that Yesh"u is a pagan idol. We believe that Yesh"u is the diametric antithesis of Ribi Yᵊho•shua. We believe that Yesh"u is the "antichrist." Is this ambiguous? Is this clear enough to expose R' Bar-Tzadoq's lies? Or does he presume to sit in place of é--ä and presume to know what only é--ä knows – what I believe and think – better than I do? Can R' Bar-Tzadoq take away my right to express my own beliefs? Can R' Bar-Tzadoq dictate to the world contradictions of my own declarations of what I believe? Tor•âh teaches that slander kills a person more surely than the sword. Will my fellow Jews stand still by my blood? This is exactly what happened to historical Ribi Yᵊho•shua!!! Post-135 C.E. Hellenist Roman liars and deceivers decided they could rewrite for the world what Ribi Yᵊho•shua believed, despite the fact that he believed the exact opposite of post-135 C.E. Christian 'bishops' and their fabricated-idol Yesh"u! Will his fellow Jews stand still any longer by his blood? Some Orthodox rabbis (e.g., Shmuley Boteach) are already trying to right this long-standing wrong.

What's more, I don't have to "appear" authentically Jewish. First, Tor•âh teaches that purveyors of slander are to be disbelieved. Second, anyone can come to Ra'anana and see for himself. I have proper Orthodox and Israeli documentation. Anyone who wishes to verify it for themselves can do so simply by ordering photocopies of these documents from Schueller House and having them translated by their local university Hebrew teacher or a rabbi.

Still lumping us in with these other groups, R' Bar-Tzadoq falsely charges: "Yet, there are still many things that still separate us from them… Thus, they accept the authority of the Christian word over the Torah of our holy Rabbanim." Our literature makes clear that we reject the Christian New Testament, and that we accept only the Jewish Bible as Scripture. R' Bar-Tzadoq brazenly and blatantly lies about us, classic mo•tzi sheim râ.

Once his lᵊshon - and mo•tzi sheim râ are filtered out, nothing is left "that still separate us from them"!!!

This is the reason that Orthodox rabbis accepted me: because I'm not guilty of any of these oft-repeated lies or slanderings!!!

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "The most deceptive group of course is the resurrected Long Island cult, now located in two camps, one in Maine and one in Colorado…

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: I don't know anything about these groups other than the page, published by Jews for Judaism, that we make available through our 'FREE HTML Downloads' in the Archives Section of the Christian Conference Room (order 'Christian Missionaries Exposed').

R' Bar-Tzadoq should distinguish Nᵊtzâr•im from groups in these states just as anywhere else. We verify our members upon request. So if there's any doubt, all anyone need do is contact us and ask whether someone is a legitimate Nᵊtzâr•im.

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "What these missionaries do not understand is that we Jews have a mesorah (oral teaching) about Yesh"u that has been passed down throughout the ages. We do not rely upon nor care about what Christian sources have to say about him,

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: Nᵊtzâr•im don't cite Christian sources, still another example of mo•tzi sheim râ, impugning us by association with groups we have nothing to do with and with whom we strongly disagree.

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "we Jews have always recognized Yesh"u as being the Rasha (wicked person) that he historically was…

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: Orthodox Rabbi Shmuley Boteach and many other Orthodox rabbis declare otherwise. Of course, they're not seething with sin•at khi•nâm (blind hatred) either. The most eminent scholars and historians (e.g. inter alia Oxford historian James Parkes) all agree that the historical Ribi Yᵊho•shua was a Tor•âh-observant Jew who taught Tor•âh-observance, and that 4th century Yesh"u was his diametric antithesis relative to Judaism, Tor•âh and Ha•lâkh•âh!

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "Indeed, according to the teachings of the Ari'zal, revealed to him by none other than Eliyahu HaNavi (Elijah), Yesh"u was none other than the reincarnation of Esav, the brother of Ya'aqov Avinu (ref. Sefer HaGilgulim of the Ari'zal, chapter 67). As Esav was a man of violence, so was Yesh"u and so is his Church.

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: We agree about Yesh"u and the Church. That has nothing to do with Ribi Yᵊho•shua or me or the Nᵊtzâr•im.

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "These new style "Orthodox Jewish" missionaries attempt to blur this fact by rewriting history. They say that our holy Rabbanim have it all wrong (G-d forbid) concerning Yesh"u (mah shmo).

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: No, the Rabânim have it right concerning Yesh"u. It's R' Bar-Tzadoq who has it wrong.

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "What they do not tell you is that they believe that our holy Rabbanim are also wrong with many other things as well. In other words, they hold the positions of the Christian Church all the while swearing that they are not Christians. They are all a bunch of liars and deceivers and they are bringing harm to the Torah community!

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: Tor•âh documents that Môshêh was subject to error. Who will maintain that the Rabânim are superior to Môshêh? Tor•âh teaches that only é--ä is Infallible. Applying it to the Rabânim borrows from Catholic Christian papal doctrine. Applying such a thing to Judaism, while it may play well in some quarters, is explicitly forbidden by Tor•âh.

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "What we must do is to go on the offense! We must make sure that there are no Yesh"u sympathizers among us. For any sympathy towards Yesh"u, who is the one and only historical "Rebbe Yehoshua"

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: R' Bar-Tzadoq certainly shows how to be offensive.

Notice, however, the complete lack of any evidence whatsoever equating Yesh"u with, lᵊ-ha•vᵊdil, Ribi Yᵊho•shua.

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "is sympathy for Esav HaRasha who G-d himself has said that He hates (ref. Mal. 1).

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: When people presume to know and do é--ä's hating for Him we've seen the results for the last 2,000 years – pogroms, persecutions, the Crusades and the Holocaust.

R' Bar-Tzadoq: "We must warn our communities, publicize the deceptive intentions of these groups, and make sure than none of their followers have infiltrated our congregations and communities. Every Jew should be able to say in a loud voice, "cursed be the name of the historical Yesh"u, the reincarnation of Esav HaRasha, cursed be the missionaries' "Rebbe Yehoshua" and cursed be anything related to him." If any Jew cannot pronounce this curse with meaning and intent, we should all question why.

Pâ•qid Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu: According to the oldest and purist – Tei•mân•i – tradition, the 'curse' to which he refers reads: "Blessed are You é--ä, breaking the enemies and humbling the malicious." How appropriate!

I'm sure that he would want to point out that the preface to this malediction reads: "For the mᵊshu•mâd•im (apostates – which he hasn't shown us to be, but which he makes himself by his many violations against Tor•âh) may there be no hope, may all of the min•im (sectarians – which referred to Nâ•tzᵊr•im / No•tzᵊr•im – post 135 C.E. Christians – but never pre-135 C.E. Nᵊtzâr•im) and the informers, in a moment, be destroyed; and may the kingdom of maliciousness be uprooted and quickly broken, in our days." Neither I, nor any Nᵊtzâr•im, have ever had any problem reciting this malediction which, in 135 C.E. was directed at Nâ•tzᵊr•im / No•tzᵊr•im.

What we must warn our communities about is how much evil, including lᵊshon - and mo•tzi sheim râ, is inherent in the unbridled and malignant hatred of a few, how hate-mongering, crusading blunderers are greatly responsible for driving away 90% of the Jewish community, and how they continue to drive other "born kosher Jews" into the arms of the Church.

R' Bar-Tzadoq is promoted, apparently, by a follower in the Bahamas and another follower in Oviedo, FL.

The best way to combat hate materials on the Internet is to complain to the servers who are giving them their platform, requesting that they take away their platform for publishing hate propaganda.

  • www.sephardiccafe.com/miss.html – a coffee shop in Oviedo, FL! Address complaint to abuse@alter.net, abuse@SEPHARDICCAFE.COM, staff@SEPHARDICCAFE.COM, abuse@PAIR.COM and abuse@NS0.COM

  • www.koshertorah.com – in hiding, probably in one of these servers. Address complaint to the following, some of whose webmasters can identify them for you: abuse@sprintnetops.cnet, abuse@NETWIDE.NET and abuse@D-NA.COM in Nassau, Bahamas (wonder why this one has to go through a server in the Bahamas???)

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