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Ultra-Orthodox Sha"s Excommunicates Orthodox NRP (National Religious Party)

Paqid Yirmeyahu (Paqid 16, the Netzarim)
Pâ•qidꞋ  Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu

2003.02.25 Excerpts from Gil Hoffman, The Jerusalem Post, p. 3– "…The [ultra-Orthodox Shas] party's spiritual leader, Rabi O•vad•yâh Yo•seiph, called [PM Ariel] Sharon, "the king of garbage" and compared Shinui [secular liberal political party] to garbage and refuse. On the verge of tears, Yo•seiph said the NRP [the Orthodox National Religious Party] behaved worse than anti-Semites by bringing a secularist party like Shinui into the government…

Yo•seiph… urged the faction to travel around the country instigating public upheaval…

[Sha"s chairman Ëli] Yi•shai reserved his strongest criticism, however,for the NRP, which he excommunicated from Orthodox Judaism. He said he would no longer allow the NRP to participate in the Kᵊnësët's religious lobby.

Sha"s MKs took turns slamming the NRP with Biblical metaphors. Yi•shai compared NRP chairman Effi Eitan to the Babylonian tyrant Nᵊvu-khad-nëtz•ar, saying that they both placed an idol in the sanctuary.

MK Yitzhak Vaknin took a note from last week's Tor•âh portion, comparing the NRP to the Golden Calf and Shinui to the mixed multitude of subverters who joined the Exodus from Egypt…"

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