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Peace for Peace

Paqid Yirmeyahu (Paqid 16, the Netzarim)
Pâ•qidꞋ  Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu

2004.01.29 – That is all!! No land for peace. No compromises for peace. No good-will gestures for peace. Israeli leaders have failed in allowing the asymmetry of terrorists in the Shom•ron and Gaza, as well as Syria, to live in peace while Israelis, our children and relatives, are blown up, spraying body parts of Jews all over our streets, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. The world has proven its miso-Judaic addiction and failed Israel in pressuring us to accept this obscene situation. Israel should never depend on the world in the first place.

While Israel must be surgical in carrying out its operations, we must ramp up to full-scale, unrelenting, war against terror by the Arabs of the Shom•ron, Gaza, Lebanon and Syria – including Public Relations (not “hasbara”) and psy-ops.

Retaliating against empty buildings, sand dunes, turning concrete into rubble, scares no one, satisfies no one and demonstrates to the terrorists that they need not be concerned about any real penalty. Deterrence of such policies is zero. The only message it sends is to both the terrorists and the world – that the political leader who ordered it is a feeble-brained fool.

Muslim-Arab hudna, under the guise of ‘cease fire’ offers, only perpetuate the killing indefinitely. Israel must deny any hudna, answering these enemy deceptions, instead, with unrelenting attacks on terrorists until the terrorists surrender, lay down their arms and dismantle their terrorist organizations – or the IDF annihilates them.

Israel must incessantly and unceasingly hunt down and neutralize terrorists and ALL of their supporters old enough to throw a firebomb – 24/7, forever and without exception – until there is peace and Arabs no longer brainwash their children to blow themselves up to kill Jews. Any West Bank or Gaza Arab old enough to throw a firebomb and publicly demonstrating in support of a recognized terrorist organization henceforth, or wearing a mask or bomb belt (whether mock or real) or carrying a weapon should always be captured or shot on sight. The world, as well as the terrorists, must learn that when Jews are routinely killed it is a war, not a gentlemanly chess match or intellecrual discussion in the U.N. for the TV cameras.

Terror is most effectively fought with terror. Terrorist "demonstrations" are frequented, celebrated, and populated solely by terrorist supporters and enablers. As often as terrorist demonstrations can be detected ahead of time – such as funerals of terrorists or their child sacrifices – bombs should be concealed where terrorist demonstrations are sure to pass, and detonated to kill as many terrorists and their supporters as possible. Rocket attacks from helicopters targeting terrorists should continue without interruption, without warning, as frequently as terrorists can be identified and located, wherever they are identified and located – especially funerals of terrorists where terrorist organizations always put on huge and brazen demonstrations in support of terrorism. The war against terrorists cannot be the sole right of Americans, Europeans and everyone else in the world except Jews and Israel.

Not all Arabs support terror. But if all other peoples in the world can stay away from terrorists then so can truly innocent Arabs. Being in the proximity of a terrorist should become clearly and unequivocally understood by everyone as placing oneself in harm’s way. Other peoples in the world can keep their children away from terrorists. Arab parents cannot be excused from that responsibility. When Arab children are out throwing stones and testing Israeli defenses for vulnerabilities under the supervision of terrorists, in apprenticeship to become terrorists themselves, their parents are directly to blame, responsible and must be held accountable. They are called child soldiers. Where are the protest organizations who sanctimoniously pretend to oppose child soldiers except when those child soldiers fight Jews and Israel? When children are killed in crossfire, usually by Arabs deliberately to blame it on IDF soldiers (as in the case of 12-year old Muslim Gazan, Muhammad al Dura), it is the parents who killed their children – just as surely as those Arab parents who typically brag about the terrorist atrocities of their Shâ•hidꞋ child.

Nearby crowds are human shields, often running out of their homes to shield their terrorist “heros.” Those who rally around terrorists are supporters of terrorists, not “innocent civilians,” and they richly deserve any peripheral injuries or deaths that ensue from our right to self defense in eliminating the terrorist threat. During clashes between soldiers and terrorists truly innocent Arabs are in their homes, in their workplace or in school, not out in the street participating in the fray as if it were a school-sponsored soccer game.

Israel must deny West Bank and Gaza Arabs entry into Israel, employment or business dealings with Israel 24/7, forever and without exception until there is peace, until Arabs no longer brainwash their children that there’s no higher and more honorable purpose in life, nor a more sure way to please Allah and enter paradise, than to kill Jews. Jews who illegally transport Arabs into Israel should be given a minimum of 20 years in prison with no chance of early release – unless the transported Arab perpetrates a terrorist attack, in which case the Jew who transported the Arab should receive the same punishment as the Arab terrorist: the death penalty.

Whether the Arab or Muslim world likes it or not. Whether the U.N. likes it or not. Whether Europe likes it or not. Whether even the U.S. likes it or not. None of these may abrogate Israel’s innate right to exist, to inhabit the land to which Israel has been the only indigenous people for millennia (having absorbed all remnants of the Canaanites) and to defend ourselves.

When any policy applies the same to the whole world except Jews or Israel that’s miso-Judaic. Period!!! That applies to Israel’s right to defend herself against terrorism and conduct an unrelenting war on terrorists. Those who deny this are miso-Judaics.

Only when the Arabs learn to want peace as much as Israel does will Israel be able to achieve peace. That will never happen until Muslim Arabs are terrified of reprisal from Israeli Jews more than Jews fear terrorism and attacks from Muslim Arabs. ‘Peace for peace’ is the only formula that is ever going to work. Everything else is a recipe, concocted by fools masquerading as scholars and intellectuals, for perpetual bloodletting without end as Islam pursues its global Khilâf•ahꞋ.

Israelis who equivocate about defending Israel uncompromisingly should practice what they preach with their feet. Move to Europe, move to America, move to one of the countries that advocates the very policies you advocate. There’s no shortage of such countries and they’re tailor-made for you. Leave Israel to those who know why we’re here, why we are Yi•sᵊr•â•eil, what being a Yᵊhud•i means and are willing to defend Israel without regularly losing our resolve after a couple of months for a hudna and to, instead, win the war against terrorists.

To Israelis who aren’t willing to prosecute the war against terrorists to victory, without vacillating and to Israel’s eternally vacillating politicians: Lead, follow, or get out of the way!

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