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Pharisees vs Sadducees (Gibson's Movie)

Paqid Yirmeyahu (Paqid 16, the Netzarim)
Pâ•qidꞋ  Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhꞋ u

2004.02.23, Fox & Friends – I just heard your guest blame the Pharisees for turning Christ over to the Romans. This is an absolute lie that contradicts the record found even in the Gospels. Please see:

If your guests don't bother to read and inform themselves then it's your responsibility, as Fox host, to set the record straight. It was the Sadducees, not the Pharisees, who turned Christ over to the Romans.

The importance of this distinction cannot be adequately emphasized because it directly affects attitudes, miso-Judaism ("antisemitism), toward the heirs of the Pharisees – Orthodox Jews today.

The Pharisees intensely opposed Hellenism and the aristocratic Hellenist Sadducees who included the Temple priests. The Sadducean Temple priests had usurped, Hellenized, the legitimate priests two centuries earlier and, purchasing the high priesthood from the Hellenist Roman occupiers, were no longer even genealogically qualified. They were aristocratic Jews who simply purchased their priesthood, including the High Priesthood, from the Romans and officiated as Roman sycophants. Caiaphus was such an illegitimate High Priest. The fact is that while the Pharisees didn't accept messianic implications, they were disgusted by the illegitimate Sadducee priests who "handed a Pharisee Ribi over to the Romans to be crucified.

To blame the Pharisees for what the Sadducees did is irresponsible and – considering the consequences of such miso-Judaism, the Holocaust – criminal, perpetuating the miso-Judaic libel that "the Jews" killed Christ. The importance of this is that the Pharisees represented ordinary Jews, most Jews. Thus, it wasn't "the Jews" (Pharisees) who "handed over Christ" but the Sadducees – who were abhorred by "the Jews" (Pharisees). Christians blame the victim!

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