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Geneva Convention vs Interrogating Terrorists

Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu Bën-Dâ•wid, Israeli Mensa Forum, 2004.05.14

Paqid Yirmeyahu (Paqid 16, the Netzarim)
Pâ•qidꞋ  Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhꞋ u

In the wake of the Abu-Ghraib scandal, Hannity & Combs (Fox News, 2004.05.14), the conservative and liberal hosts, respectively, of the show bearing their names interviewed proponents and opponents of honoring the Geneva Convention in the interrogation of terrorists.

Rarely has there been such an unbridgeable chasm, with not even a trace of agreement, between two sides of an issue. One side argued that Americans must honor the agreements they sign. Period. The other side argued that the threat of losing American lives as a result of being unable to extract information from terrorists outweighs any consideration of privileging the terrorists with treatment prescribed by the Geneva Convention.

It seems to me that the Geneva Convention must be understood as protections afforded by and for the civilized world. The issue resolves by realizing, as the civilized world is beginning to realize in viewing terrorist atrocities, that terrorists aren’t part of the civilized world. Recalling the definition of terror laid down in the Terrorist forum, it’s clear that, unlike the civilized world, terrorists position themselves as the implacable and mortal enemy of the civilized world. Islamic terrorists attack the civilized world precisely because it is the civilized world, which they define as infidels of Satan. Terrorists neither honor the Geneva Convention nor merit treatment according to the Geneva Convention.

Beyond this, however, the question must be asked: How perverted is it to regard as “civilized” the putting at risk of the lives of tens, hundreds or thousands of non-combatants at the hands of a suicide bomber, dirty nuke bomb or bio-weapon in order to protect one of the known accomplices of the terrorists? Even putting at risk the life of one non-combatant, or one soldier attempting to protect non-combatants against terrorists, in exchange for protecting known accomplices of terrorists is perverted.

The Geneva Convention applies to the civilized world, not to terrorists.

Perhaps you can tell that to Hannity & Combs. When I demonstrated that the Mel Gibson movie was miso-Judaic they blocked my email.

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