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Presbyterians: miso-Judaic Terrorist Collaborators

Paqid Yirmeyahu (Paqid 16, the Netzarim)
Pâ•qidꞋ  Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu

2004.10.242004.11.01 Update – (Originally posted 2004.10.24) “ ‘Historically, in our relationships with the ecumenical Protestant community, we have had a very longstanding, felicitous relationship when we work together in coalitions on issues of social justice; however, we have ignored the issues of the Middle East and not discussed them in any seriousness,’ said Rabbi Gary Bretton-Granatoor, interfaith consultant for the Anti-Defamation League…

“The new effort marks a significant shift in inter-religious dialogue away from social justice issues and toward the politics of the Middle East. It comes, observers say, in light of a growing recognition by American Jewish officials that they have failed to make the case for Israel to mainline Christians, who in turn have influenced the worldwide debate on the regional conflict to Israel’s detriment.” (And it only took a few decades to realize it. Roll eyes)

“The meeting in Washington comes on the heels of a controversial visit by officials of America’s ninth-largest denomination, the Presbyterian Church USA, to Lebanon, where they met with Khiz'b-Allah officials. Afterward, one Presbyterian delegate from Pittsburgh, Ronald Stone, declared, ‘Relations and conversations with Islamic leaders are a lot easier than dealings and dialogue with Jews.’ ”

U.S. policy finds that those who support terrorists are terrorists! Those who support terrorists are terrorist collaborators and guilty with the terrorists of the blood shed by the terrorists they support. Khizb-Allah (corrupted to ‘Khiz'b-Allah,’ “Party of Allah”) is a terrorist group on America’s list of terrorist organizations. How are the Presbyterians any less terrorists than the Islamic charities for supporting the identical same group? Presbyterians – the new supporters of Islamist terrorists!

“This was the second time in recent months that the Presbyterian Church has angered and alarmed Jewish officials. In [2004.07], the church passed a resolution calling for divesting from companies that do business in or with Israel.” Presbyterians are terrorist collaborators who should read the Bible: bᵊ-Reish•it 12.3. Those who follow the Bible have no other recourse but to reject following the miso-Judaic Presbyterian Church in its collaboration with terrorists, immediately. Don’t give notice. Don’t go back. Don’t even look back or you will share the fate of Lot’s wife in the afterlife. You who remain with the Presbyterian Church, the blood of Jews massacred by Islamist terrorists is on your hands too.

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