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Confused about Religion?

Paqid Yirmeyahu (Paqid 16, the Netzarim)
Pâ•qidꞋ  Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu

2011.10.06, 1515 Yᵊru•shâ•layim Daylight Time – Belief in a Creator of the universe is reasonable and intelligent; it can be, and was (by Av•râ•hâm) derived from science and logic. Everything in the universe has a cause. The idea of deferring that to other universes, strings, circles, bubbles and what-not merely extends the question one step further: they, in turn, must no less have a Prime Cause. Only the tunnel-visioned and ignorant deny a Prime Cause.

The Ta•na"kh, better known as the Tor•âh (Hebrew for Life's "Instruction Manual"), of Israel is a compendium of laws that evolved in the nation-building of the 12 tribes of Israel from the time of Av•râ•hâm's Eureka realization to the time that Mosh•ëh led Israel out of Egypt and compiled the 12 evolved tribal versions into one Constitution for Israel at Har Sin•ai. (To Mosh•ëh and Israel, Tor•âh has always been more than merely the 5 written books.)

So Tor•âh can be both historically documented and its derivation logically understood as both reasonable and essential for a society that recognizes a Creator-Singularity.

This is NOT true, however, of any of the Displacement Theology religions that claim to supersede Tor•âh (see Dәvâr•im 13.1-6). For all intents and purposes, NONE of the Displacement Theology religions (including Christianity and Islam as well as other more modern variants) can cite documented history about what authority empowers them to contradict and override Tor•âh — as both the NT and Quran do — or cite legitimate historical documentation explaining how they superseded and displaced Tor•âh. They each and all must ask you to ASSUME their book and, of course, once you assume their book and their books says... Think about how assinine (sic) that line of thinking is.

So, if you're confused about religion, don't accept anything beyond Tor•âh without historical documentation and proof DERIVING FROM Tor•âh. When people ask you to ASSUME the NT, the Quran, the Watchtower, etc. read Dәvâr•im 13.1-6 and demand that they show you HOW their books are derved from Tor•âh and compatible with the Tor•âh; AND make them PROVE their case FROM Tor•âh.

That has not happened and cannot, happen.

Recognize that Tor•âh does NOT teach what Christians — who must be misojudaic in order to validate the supersession and displacement that enables Christianity — claim. (Read Oxford historian James Parkes, The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue.) Tor•âh does NOT require people to be perfect or go to hell!!!

When a criminal is condemned to punishment, who is responsible? Justice and personal responsibility demonstrate that it is the criminal who is responsible for his or her actions, NOT the authority that imposes justice upon him or her. You are trying to blame Elohim for YOUR shortcomings. Learn to shoulder your own mistakes instead of blameshifting them onto "God."

Back to rudimentary reasoning. The Creator is Perfect. If He were to join with something imperfect — you or me — it would render Him imperfect, which is an impossible conundrum. So this conundrum requires a solution for us imperfect mortals to shed our imperfections.

The solution to this conundrum is provided in Tor•âh — which requires only that you do your utmost (all of your heart, all of your psyche and all of your utmost) to live in obedience to His Tor•âh and, the Creator promises you in His Tor•âh that, in return for doing your utmost to live in obedience to His Tor•âh He will extend to you His kipur (expiation) out of the vastness of His Graciousness.

Tor•âh offers you the only solution. Nobody can tell you this or that because Tor•âh is written, you can learn to read it for yourself (it's Hebrew) and no man — not even rabbis — can impose anything that is contradictory or incompatible with Tor•âh on you. So says, inter alia, Dәvâr•im 13.1-6.

If you follow the Creator according to His Instruction Manual for Life, there is no longer any confusion — or doubt. It makes perfect sense… as any plan from the Omniscient must.

Choose Tor•âh and live.

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