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2011.11.09, 0906  Yәru•shâ•laꞋ yim Universal Time

Pâ•râsh•âhꞋ  wa-Yeira: Yekhezkel's S'dom

Blog Subject: Yekhezkel's S'dom
First and last name:Jesse Caron
City, State and Country: Antioch, Tennessee, USA
Inquiry: Shalom, Honorable Paqid.

I wanted to specify what passage in Yekhezkel made me think homosexuality was anormal for S'dom. I haven't obtained an Artscroll, so I'm using mechon-mamre.org's Hebrew-English. Chap. 16:49, 50-

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I was thinking that because it isn't mentioned here, it may never have actually happened, but was pre-empted somehow, thus being "perfectly timed". I suppose that the omission of homosexuality doesn't mean it didn't happen, I just envisioned a mob escalation to such a frenzied point and, of course, omission facilitates assumption. I'll call it my own propensity. I've considered in the past that this passage - used by homosexuals and their supporters (especially in the church) because it omits it, does so for the simple fact that the "bar" is set to such a height.

Rainbow Rule

áãéå÷, you assumed it contrary to the account that their lifestyle was shared, and offense taken, by the entirety of the city (bә-Reish•itꞋ  19.4). If it were necessary to mention everything everytime they'd still be trying to finish writing bә-Reish•itꞋ  1.1.

All of the info from all of the passages (in the original language, of course) must be taken together, sometimes further analyzed to discern how they are complementary rather than seemingly contradictory. Only then can one (at least partially) understand and properly relate to the text.

In other words, cling tenaciously to the original-language text; speculation, not so much. (This also fosters greater unity, since it's easier to agree on the text; plus, that leaves room–tolerance–for diversity in speculative areas instead of causing fragmentation.)

Ergo, one may not introduce such assumptions as if they were part of the text. Such unsubstantiated conjectures account for many, perhaps all, of the still-multiplying and cascading Displacement Theologies and denominations.

Omission does not facilitate assumption; it merely permits the undisciplined conjecturer to miss context. One must be meticulous in maintaining the overall context of the text in its entirety, differentiating between the facts stated in contrast to the "what-ifs." The stated facts provide for wide agreement among the Bât•eiꞋ -Din, the framework of Tor•âhꞋ  (Ha•lâkh•âhꞋ  / Orthodox Judaism). khareid•imꞋ  strayings from Tor•âhꞋ  aside, the "what-ifs," while they must be complementary to the stated facts, leave room for contemplation and wonder.

In this case, the homosexual practice of SƏdom and Âmor•âꞋ  is part of the stated body of text.

BTW, the Artscroll "Bereshis," (2 volumes) is part of their "Tanach" Series containing a wealth of commentary compiling and summarizing the Sages and Judaic literature. This is different from their Stone Edition Tanakh.

Regarding their destruction, I had a literal volcanic eruption in mind (a la [name deleted], probably) - hence the imagery in my comment, and hadn't for a moment considered human mechanism and organization. Very interesting.

Rainbow Rule


not in Kansas anymore I don't know the individual you named, but he is apparently some Christian, by definition alien to Tor•âhꞋ  and the Orthodox Jewish community – someone irrelevant to, and not to cite in, an Orthodox Jewish forum.

Do you get the feeling that you're not in Christi-ansas any more?

Reorientation always takes a few knocks here and there, and it's never predictable where extra-Judaic "baggage" happens to well-up. Cool dude

Also, I didn't actually miss the minyan standard, as I read it in your parasha notes - 5760 (1999.10), but I had never heard of the presence of a minyan being a guarantee of a city's preservation. More incentive toward Orthodox community involvement.

Rainbow Rule

Indeed… but not until we're satisfied you're ready to interrelate properly in the Tei•mân•iꞋ  Orthodox Jewish community and we give you the green light. Keep up the good work.

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