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2012.01.08, 1330  Yәru•shâ•laꞋ yim Universal Time

1QIsa 52.13-54.04
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First and Only: Interactive DSS Is. 53

DSS 1QIsa (Isaiah Scroll) 52.13-53.12 Running

Here is the first (and, so far, only) interactive photograph of the earliest extant ms. of Yәsha•yâhꞋ u; the "Great Isaiah" Dead Sea Scroll: 1QIsa.

Hovering the cursor over words in 52.13 – 53.12 displays the modern Hebrew letters in a balloon. The beginning of each verse is also indicated in the balloon of the first word of each verse. To orient the reader initially, serendipitously, the first word of 52.13 is the first word (top right) of this column in the scroll. We have opted not to mark verses in the scroll, or edit the photograph in any way, so that readers know exactly what the scroll looks like and could orient yourself and recognize words equally well if you look at the actual scroll.

Clicking on the word displays the definition and grammatical information. A complete translation of each verse is added to the translation and grammatical information of the last word of each verse.

Clicking elsewhere in the scroll displays a zoom-able magnified view of the entire column of the scroll for closer scrutiny.

In your own Ta•na"khꞋ , look up also the clarification, two centuries later (after Yәsha•yâhꞋ u "deutero"), by Zәkhar•yâhꞋ  3.

Directions to the interactive photo of this earliest extant ms.: From our "Nәtzâr•imꞋ  Gate" (our Home Page, of NQ, the Nәtzâr•imꞋ  Quarter), click in the "History Museum" building in the Navigation Panel at the left. Once in our History Museum, click on "Mashiakh" in the menu at the top of the page. Then click the "Burning Issues" button. Finally, scroll down and click one of the "Yeshayahu 53" links. the scroll is also "zoom-able," so the photo takes a minute to load.

(Pâ•qidꞋ  YirmәyâhꞋ u, Ra•a•nanꞋ â(h), Yi•sә•râ•eilꞋ ) Israel

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