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Pâ•qidꞋ  Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhꞋ u

2013.01.20, 2235
Yᵊru•shâ•layim Daylight Time

Ynet article: The Holocaust: Europe losing its memory

Ynet Refused to post: Holocaust Remembrance: Avoidance of Confronting the Cause

Historians finally acknowledge that they've avoided dealing with the cause: the Nazi religion. Prof. of History Klaus Fischer: "That's an area that historians have not wanted to go. They don't want to go into the bowel of the beast" (The Nazi Gospel, History Channel, 2011).

As absurd as it sounds to us today, the Nazi belief system syncretized beliefs in the supernatural Aryan race of giants (from bᵊ-Reish•it 6.1–4), their super-weapons (e.g., the "Ark of the Covenant" and the "Holy Grail of Christ"), for which their SS Ahnenerbe searched zealously (depicted in Raiders of the Lost Ark) and Hitler as the prophesied savior followed by the 1,000 year reign, into their native Germanic mythology (e.g., the alleged super-weapon hammer of Aryan Odin, depicted as emitting lightning bolts, and the black sun cross – the Nazi swastika).

Despite their despisal of the corruptions of the Roman Catholic Church, the Nazi belief system was no less the same Hellenesque syncretism of native mythologies into selected (per Dr. Martin Ruehl, Univ. of Cambridge) Bible characters and stories. This belief system developed no differently than the Hellenesque syncretisms of Roman Catholic Christianity, from its inception to it syncretism in each subsequent country of the world. This Hellenesque, German-centric, Christian syncretism was "the heart" of the Holocaust.

Still avoided by historians: Why did they place Jews at the bottom of their racist hierarchy? They state it as a blinding flash of obvious history without a word explaining why Jews. Why not Arabs? Why not Chinese? Why not Indians? Why not Japanese? Why, despite an easy skin color excuse, was the eradication of Jews more urgent to Nazis than black people they also disdained? No one answers: Why did the Nazi's obsessive racism focus particularly on Jews?

There is only one answer: the Bible names Israel as the legitimate followers of ha-Sheim. All others (from Persians to Christians to Muslims to Nazis) are counterfeits – displacement theologies.

The reason so many Jews depend on "Remember the Holocaust" is because it's been easy to play on guilt and sympathy, while, by contrast, dealing with the cause gets into religion (horrors). Imposing remembrance of the Holocaust on the world has gotten so old it's building into a blow-back.

This gets right back into the difference between "anti-Semitism" (racist hatred of genetic Semites, which includes Arabs and easy for the world to deny) versus misojudaism, which is the hatred of all things Judaic – hatred that dates back to Haman in ancient Persia (Iran) and threads through all of the pogroms including the Holocaust.

So what is it that generates misojudaism? It's the same problem that counterfeiters have with real money! The scholarly name for this is displacement theology (or replacement theology). The need to discredit the original and genuine religion and people ("real money") in order to shift legitimacy and "faith" to their displacement theology (counterfeit money) is what fueled the 2nd-4th century Church to pervert a 1st-century Pharisee Ribi into a fabricated "antinomian" idol that proclaimed Jews "enemies of the church" and "sons of Satan."

Forcing "Remembrance of the Holocaust" on the world is like spitting into a hurricane. It might make you feel better for the moment, but it's coming back in your face.

The only solution is to deal with the cause. The only solution is educating Jews why and how displacement theologies (counterfeit-based economies) conflict with Tor•âh (real money). Instead of the present asinine practice of persecuting and expelling scholars who deal with this as "missionaries," serious Jews must learn how to educate proponents of "counterfeit" religions to the value of the "real money" religion. In the end, counterfeit money is false and a lie. Faith in a lie cannot be fixed by anger or violence; only through careful scrutiny, logical discussion; in the case of misojudaism: historical and archeological research and education. Only upon turning our efforts to this task can Jews, in turn, educate their Christian and Muslim neighbors about the relevant historical documentation and the objectivity of applying logic and science – weaning everyone from depending solely on what parents and clerics tell them.

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