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War On Terrorism

Religious Dimensions? Anti-Islamic?

Paqid Yirmeyahu (Paqid 16, the Netzarim)
Pâ•qidꞋ  Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhꞋ u

America was founded on the premise that religious government is a failure. Stating that a religious government is inferior, inequitable, cruel to its citizens and a menace to the civilized world isn't limited to Islam and merits no more of an apology than did disapproval of the communist governments now relegated to history's dustbin. Empirically they haven't worked. They've fostered inequality, brutality and, when unchecked, savagery. They've proven unable to compete in a modern world, and their resulting envy has fostered religious hatred against all whom they perceive to be "kuph•ârꞋ." It is for all of these reasons that government must be kept separate from religious extremist-militants who represent budding terrorists.

The war against terror isn't, and shouldn't be allowed to become, a religious war. A theological polemic conflict and debate is the absolutely inescapable only way to avoid defeat and subjugation to Islam; but it should not become a violent war – unless violently attacked, which is the case.

However, for America to suddenly deny that no element of this conflict has religious or Islamic dimensions (Fi•da•yinꞋ, Ji•hâdꞋ, Shu•had•âꞋ, ma•drassꞋas indoctrinating the next generation of Arab Muslim children, etc.), to please potential Islamic allies, is a policy based upon tunnel-visioned and empty-headed religious-considerations, which constitutes a denial of the most basic tenet of America – separation of religion and state (including policy). When violent attacks on America or its allies become involved, religious enemies must be treated no differently than political enemies, economic enemies, racist enemies or any other enemies. In fact, denial of a religious enemy is a religious state policy – a denial of the very core validity of America. Enemies is enemies! Therefore, for America to deny the undesirability of Islamic – or any other religious – government that must depend upon the sword, a club or the lash for its validity is, for America, the ultimate self-contradiction and hypocrisy.

In doing so America is, in the same fell swoop, selling-out the lone democracy in the Middle East that, for the most part, separates religion from rule – Israel – who is also the world's unparalleled victim of religious (Islamic) terrorism; selling Israel out to the very terrorists the coalition claims to fight. Instead, America and the world is giving terrorists a fig leaf, as members of America's "anti-terrorist coalition," to conduct terror as long as it is "only" against Israel / "Zionists." (Is that not racist?!?) Thus, America and the world seems poised, yet again, to sacrifice Jews; this time to appease terrorist-Islamic Muslims.

In thus granting terrorist-Islamic Muslims special exemption as "anti-terrorist coalition partners," America and the world declares that it's "open season" on Israel as "fair game" for terrorists. The world should re-examine the direction that calls Iran, Iraq, Cuba, the Sudan "anti-terror coalition partners" while making Israel and Jews "fair game." The world should also ask itself just who are the racists? The compromising of America's most basic founding principle of separation of religion and state can only reinforce the suspicions of growing numbers that America has abandoned its moral foundations.

'Never argue with success' is a well-known axiom in America. To make this point more effectively, consider this statement, whose order has been switched, by Joachim Giessman of Hamburg's Institute for Peace Studies and Security Policy. "… it took two decades for Germany to quell its Red Army Faction extremists <=> Patient, methodical police and intelligence work is needed to identify the culprits" (Carol J. Williams, Drawing the battle lines against terror," The Jerusalem Post, 2001.09.21, p. B3). America needs to do some homework on identifying culprits, and distinguishing the culprits from its friends and allies.

Nevertheless, be sure to get the guilty; not just anyone with an Arab name or wearing a kufiya, and not by vigilantism.

Today we see the international media collaborating with the U.S. government to gloss over the link between the 'Palestinians' and terrors of airline hijackings, restaurant bombings, elementary school massacres, the Olympics massacre and lynchings; attempting to turn the terrorist Arafat from a cohort of the terrorist Usama bin Laden into one of the "anti-terrorist" allies of the U.S. in the worldwide alliance against terrorists!

This heralds an unparalleled latent threat to Israeli Jews, indeed all Jews. If the U.S. or the international media is allowed to repaint the terrorist Arafat and 'Palestinian' terrorists as pretend "anti-terrorists," then it's a tiny and inexorable logical step to conclude that since Israelis are against the 'anti-terror Palestinians' the Israelis are, "therefore," the terrorists of the Middle East. Jews of the Diaspora who then dare to support Israel would be labeled supporters of terrorists.

For America to go to bed with all of the terrorists (except bin Laden, of course) until there are no more terrorists to fight is a sure-fire formula for certain self-destruction from within. The child of such a union is too nightmarish to contemplate.

For America to sacrifice Israel, America's most natural ally against terrorism, on the putative altar of a Muslim coalition is a compromise of the first plank – and linchpin – of America's framework against terrorism. Arab and/or Islamic states must be required to eliminate terrorism. Otherwise they will continue to nurture terrorism. Duh. If America buys the ruse that "their" terrorism is only against Israel then America will have defaulted their war before they've even begun and terrorist-Islamic victory is assured – except against Israel who will continue to fight it. Thus, it is America who needs Israel – her expertise and intelligence against terrorism, not Israel who needs America!

On 2001.09.20, the US House Government Reform Committee summoned former Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, who literally wrote the book on combating terrorism, as an expert. Testifying before this committee, Netanyahu correctly warned "that if the US includes terrorism-sponsoring regimes like Syria, Iran, or the Palestinian Authority in a coalition against worldwide terrorism, then the alliance 'will be defeated from the beginning'" (Janine Zacharia, "Netanyahu warns Congress against including PA, Syria, Iran in coalition," The Jerusalem Post, 2001.09.21, p. A6). Netanyahu "received unprecedented applause at the end of his testimony" (ibid.).

" 'Take away all the state support and the entire scaffolding of international terrorism will collapse into the dust,' Netanyahu said. 'The international terrorist network is based on regimes – on Iraq, on Iran, on Syria, on Taleban Afghanistan, Yasser Arafat's Palestinian Authority, and several other Arab regimes such as the Sudan.'

"Netanyahu counseled that the price of admission to the coalition should be the complete dismantling of terrorist networks within a country or entity's borders. For PA Chairman Arafat, that would mean crushing Hamas and Islamic Jihad, shutting down training camps for suicide bombers, and reining in Fatah fighters" (ibid.). I would add that this must, necessarily, include eliminating the terrorist-worshipping hate-fomentation found in 'Palestinian' children's schoolbooks, poisoning yet another generation to become terrorists.

American Policy: Terrorists Go Nuclear;
Thousands of Victims Become Millions & Terror Comes Home To American Soil

The cost of compromising the war against terrorism by going to bed with them instead will be measured not in the current thousands but – once Iraq, Iran and perhaps Syria and the Palestinian Authority join Pakistan as nuclear powers and/or obtaining other weapons of mass destruction – in the hundreds of thousands or millions of lives.


Many pundits have pooh-poohed the idea of deterrence. They ask, "where is the deterrence value when people think they are on the express train to paradise?" (Carol J. Williams, "Drawing the battle lines against terror," Jerusalem Post, 2001.09.21, p. B2). The answer is stunningly simple: failure. The Fi•daiꞋ fears not death but failure to become a Shâ•hidꞋ. If the majority of Islamic clerics argued that these acts don't qualify under true Islam as Is•ti•shᵊhâdꞋ, or if the world intelligentsia educates that these Islamic claims are historically invalid and false, then, suddenly, their "express train to paradise" is derailed and their motivation evaporates like the mirage that, in reality, it is.

Pivotal Role of History Education

Beyond that, education in basic world history conquers the cruel mirage of such a train. Terrorist-Islam threatens death to any critic because their version of Islam is dependent upon the ignorance of their masses and cannot withstand intellectual scrutiny of documented historical sources.

Beyond that, when the fi•daiꞋ is interdicted before his mission of Is•ti•shᵊhâdꞋ can be accomplished, the terrible consequences are averted even if he's still under the manipulative control of terrorist-Islamic clerics who promise his train ticket to paradise.

Not only is this an existential threat to the west, this is an existential threat to Israel and to Jews world-wide – in fact, to all non-Muslim – "kuph•ârꞋ," whom Muslims relegate to "the great Sâ•tân." The Israeli Left's attempts to wear blinders and go along with this U.S. policy by not defending ourselves and negotiating peace at the price of our own demise is, therefore, an existential and suicidal threat to Israel and Jews everywhere. Sharon is not only right in adamantly refusing to go along with this suicidal ruse, he is saving Israel and Jews everywhere by actively heading-off Colin Powell's pressuring to keep Israel quiet and compliant in our own demise while the U.S. goes to bed with terrorists, one by one. America is painting 'Palestinian' terrorist-Islamic Muslims, along with other terrorist-Islamic so-called Muslim "militants" – in watered-down diplo-speak – as "anti-terrorists aligned with America against international terror." Terrorists are anti-terrorists against terror?!? Hollywood would have scoffed at anyone trying to pitch this bureaucratic lunacy as an idea for a movie or TV show. Yet, we see the American administration transforming it into reality in front of our eyes.

Blatant Miso-Judaic Media

As part of this campaign to exclude inconvenient reporting vis-á-vis Israel, the media has announced the number of citizens lost in the World Trade Center Towers from many different countries – with the glaring exception of Israel, who has 140 citizens missing! Yet, CNN and the BBC report other countries having far less missing citizens. (Finally, CNN rectified this discrimination.)

Arch-terrorist Arafat – like Saddam Hussein (with whom the 'Palestinians' allied and celebrated his launching of missiles against both Israel and the U.S. by dancing in the streets), the Taleban government in Afghanistan and Usama bin Laden – are all cut from the same cloth. Each has, for years, been blowing people up while boasting of it in the Arabic media but feigning shock and denials in non-Muslim media. And the gullible Americans swallow it all, hook, line and sinker.

"Palestinian" Street Celebrates 9-11 Attack On NYC

I've already seen, on Israel TV, video of 'innocent civilian Palestinians' out en masse in the streets of Arab-occupied East Yᵊru•shâ•layim and Arab-occupied Shᵊkhëm (Arabic: "Nablus"), dancing, clapping and singing, handing out candies. They carried placards saying "PLO" and posters of their hero – Usama bin Laden – as they celebrated this unprecedented terror attack against the U.S. Hanan Ashrawi denied in the most passionate and eloquent terms Palestinian approval of the terrorist action. Those who would be convinced by her masterful performance should remember that Usama bin Laden and all other terrorists organizations in the world coordinate their shared PR efforts, being on the same page and expressing the same denials for the identical reasons. I guess we have to assume, by process of elimination, that this atrocity could only have been perpetrated by a women senior's church group acting out of Glens Falls, New Hampshire??? On the other hand, maybe, instead, might it be that Hanan Ashrawi, Arafat and Usama bin Laden are lying??? Viewers, after all, saw 'Palestinians' celebrating with their own eyes!!!

The 'Palestinians' even share the same propaganda machine with Saddam Hussein and Usama bin Laden. Both Saddam Hussein and 'Palestinian' spokeswoman Hanan Ashrawi argue on CNN and the BBC the identical viewpoint of terrorists shifting the blame: celebrating that "America at last has felt, and should now understand, the pain of Muslim 'victims.'" Fellow terrorist Usama bin Laden voices the identical sentiments. Israelis strike, only in defense, 'Palestinian' terrorists with great precision, rarely hitting any civilians, and then only when 'Palestinians' have stationed them in harm's way. 'Palestinians,' by contrast, deliberately target and blow up women and children having lunch in a pizzeria and children at a teen nightclub, yet they're the victims!!! And world media propagates this abominable lie!!!

This is the same celebration, and 'Palestinians' gave the identical reasons, when Saddam Hussein blew up a barracks full of American soldiers in Saudi-Arabia and when he rained missiles on Israel. Did America "feel their pain" when Saddam's missiles rained down on Tel Aviv? The media has been reduced to the propaganda machine at the financial mercy of oil-rich Arab-Muslim countries bullied by a virulent terrorist version of Islam.

Neither Hanan Ashrawi nor Abd'Allah Bari Atwan (the Arab-Muslim apologist who is editor of London-based newspaper al Quds) could deny what viewers around the world were witnessing with their own eyes. Hence, they were forced to argue that the 'Palestinian' celebrants were only a tiny fringe element of 'Palestinian' society. However, they were only able to make this argument after Arafat suppressed media coverage of their celebrations, confiscating videos and camera equipment, and threatening the lives of several foreign journalists. Their arguments, however – and this point should be made by CNN and BBC and other network anchors (whom we've not been able to contact) – fly in the face of recent polls conducted by 'Palestinian' themselves. Their own polls consistently showed that 70-85% of the Palestinian public support terrorist actions – specifically suicide bombings – against civilian women and children (unless one accepts the miso-Judaic argument that Jews aren't humans).

[the Arabization of Aelia Capitolina – the Roman-pagan name that, in turn, displaced Yᵊru•shâ•layim]

Britain's PM Blair defends Islam too broadly. Before the attack on the World Trade Center, only a handful of moderate Islamic clerics dared to brave Muslim death sentences by speaking out against the Islamic fundamentalist religious incubator of terrorist-Islam in the world. A plethora of Islamic clerics, not merely a fringe "loony" or two, issued a fat•wâꞋ authorizing suicide terrorist attacks and guaranteeing "Shu•had•âꞋ" instant entrance into "Paradise" where they are promised 70 beautiful, dark-eyed virgins. We don't blame all Islam or Muslims for the sins of most. However, if the world permits Islam to dodge its responsibility to change the goals of the vast majority of its adherents then the world deserves the 21st-century world of terrorism it will get. In Judaism and Christianity, it is the mainstream that is peaceful and tolerant, and their lunatic fringe who are off their rails. In Islam, by contrast, it is the fringe who are tolerant and peaceful while the mainstream is bent on world conquest by force of terrorism… and this is why Muslims dance and celebrate their Fi•da•yinꞋ' victories and Shu•had•âꞋ "heroes" in the streets.

Further, many of the Islamic "social services charities," especially in the U.S. and Britain, are under investigation by law enforcement authorities as being nothing more than fronts to raise and funnel money directly to terrorists. Only a token percentage, for show to keep their doors open, actually goes to support hospitals and community social needs.

As part of their scheme to paint 'Palestinian' terrorists as anti-terrorist, the U.S. and the media have glossed over the two sentence typed report scrolling across the bottom of CNN: "Authorities in Belgium say two members of a radical 'Palestinian' group arrested in Brussels have been charged with possession of weapons of war. Prosecutors believe the men were planning attacks on American interests in Europe." (2001.09.15).

Further, according to Hamid Mir, the Pakistani editor of the Islamabad Daily Ausaf newspaper, and who is also the authorized biographer of Usama bin Laden, Usama bin Laden's religious mentor is the 'Palestinian' cleric Dr. Ab'd-Allah Azam! Mr. Mir quotes bin Laden, "I always accept that Dr. Ab'd-Allah Azam is my spiritual teacher." (Simpson's World, BBC, 2001.09.15)

Mr. Mir then says a book by bin Laden's 'Palestinian' Islamic mentor, Dr. Azam, about the principles of Jihad teaches: "The Muslims should not kill any innocent non-Muslim woman, [or] any innocent non-Muslim old man, or the children in the name of Jihad…" (Simpson's World, ibid.). What Mr. Mir conveniently glosses over is that every Muslim cleric in the Middle East has ruled that no Israeli Jews are "innocent"!!! Thus, according to Dr. Azam and all other 'Palestinian' Muslim clerics, all Israeli Jews are required to be killed in the name of Jihad!!! It's inescapable that Usama bin Laden identifies with his 'Palestinian' fellow-terrorists.

In addition to 'Palestinian' links to Saddam Hussein, having allied with him in the Gulf War, this is an undeniable link between the terrorist Usama bin Laden and his fellow 'Palestinian' terrorists.

Will the media EVER face the truth?!? 'Palestinians' weren't celebrating that "America finally felt their pain." Dancing, applauding and handing out candies?!? Does the media think the world's public are complete morons? (Well, yes. World media apparently does think that!) 'Palestinians' were celebrating that "the great Sâ•tân" had been dealt a blow that, they thought, brought her to her knees. 'Palestinians' were celebrating a great Ji•hâdꞋ victory by the fi•da•yinꞋ… yet again. For the media to put a 'Palestinian' sympathizer's spin on it is a travesty against the world, collaboration with the terrorists' propaganda machine. This is the same kind of celebration 'Palestinians' do routinely after terror attacks, whether on Israelis or Americans.

If America begins going to bed, under the banner of "counter-terrorism" with terrorists like Arafat, Hamas, Khiz'b-Allah, Islamic Jihad, the Tanzim and terrorist nests in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, and North Korea – then America is too gullible, too naïve and too mealy-mouthed to ever regain her now-lost stature. Islamic Ji•hâdꞋ has already claimed that the attacks are the consequence of standing against their terrorism against Israel. Promises to hunt down "the individuals" are as mealy-mouthed as it comes. These concerted attacks were no mere handful of "individuals." This concerted attack required great resources, more than Usama bin Laden could put together with his own money. Terrorists of every cut of cloth today collaborate together in an international cooperative to "defeat the great Sâ•tân" – America.

Today, terrorists cooperate, worldwide. All terrorists, everywhere, must be excised, lanced like a boil from the world's rump. Exactly the opposite of going to bed with them in hopes of gaining their cooperation – which the attack on the World Trade Center has now proven disastrous, no nest of terrorists, anywhere in the world, should be spared. No predictable "human shield" must be allowed to save them from today's modern precision weapons. All cities, countries and governments who harbor and support terrorists must be crushed, conquered, rid of terrorists, on the ground with overwhelming force in addition to precision attacks.

Israel has been the first and greatest victim of terror at the hands of terrorist-Islamic Muslims. Beginning with airline hijackings in 1968 and the massacre of Israeli athletes at the '72 Olympics at Munich, the 'Palestinians' have been bin Laden's mentor. For America to line up these same terrorist-Islamic Muslims and call them anti-terrorists in order to "get" Usama bin Laden is a naked fraud. Moreover, Islamic coalition notwithstanding, the truth is that if selling out Israel to be permanent victims of terrorist-Islam is the price, then the U.S. is – yet again – fooling herself about terrorist-Islam. Israelis don't hesitate to condemn and stop extremist Israeli Jews. If Muslim clerics aren't, likewise, willing to condemn and stop terrorist-Islam (many Muslim clerics declare that terrorist-Islam isn't legitimate Islam and the militant-terrorists aren't legitimate Muslims), including against Israel – to side with Israel against terrorists of EVERY stripe including militant-Islamic terrorists – then America IS choosing to side with terrorist-Islam, not against them. This can achieve nothing more than a face-saving victory over one of their number who proved recklessly and spectacularly stupid, becoming a liability whom his fellow terrorists are now willing to sacrifice for their common good: Usama bin Laden.

America's "liberation" from terrorist-Islam then will, in fact, be perverted to "accepting the cooperation of" (going to bed with) the terrorists of the world, caving in to the demands of terrorist-Islamic Muslims that the U.S. abandon her friendship with Israel. Israel will then be alone to face being labeled by the world not only as "racist Zionist," but the only remaining "occupiers" and "terrorists" in the world. It will continue to be Israeli Jew "occupier terrorists" being blown up by "militant" Islamic "victims" for the crime of eating pizza or going to a nightclub. Then, maybe, America and Europe won't be the targets of "militant" Islamic Muslims anymore… until, with Israel out of the way, Islam at last becomes strong enough to confront the last obstacles to Islamic world conquest – the "great Sâ•tân", America.

Israeli Leftist 'Doves' and 'Peace Now' should go hide somewhere in shame for continually proclaiming 'Peace, peace" – to the world, when there is no peace and their policies lead to such catastrophes as have befallen Israel and the U.S. Only by the graciousness of é‑‑ä has this scale of devastation not happened to Israel… yet. Shimon Peres, Avraham Burg and Yosi Beilin… go home, sit on your porch, sip tea and retire from public life forever. You've done more damage than you could ever undo.

First Israel, then Russian, and now America, understand the inhuman mindset of the Islamic fanatics who pose this unparalleled barbarism. We must cooperate to make the terrorists – with their nests, infrastructure, bases (regardless of their voluntary civilian shields) and even cities and governments that hide, collaborate with and support them – disappear like the two World Trade Centers.

Israel – not various tentacles of the international terrorist cooperative that the media is magically transforming into "militants," who first bombed and now destroyed the World Trade Center – has proven to be America's most reliable ally, even in bad weather when no other country in the Middle East was willing, indeed even Britain and France were sometimes reluctant and dragging their heels, to stand with America. European countries, by contrast, have repeatedly demonstrated their unreliability as allies of the U.S., routinely overlooking terrorists (who blow up Israelis – Jews – not British citizens or other Europeans… yet). [Update: they thought they could appease Muslims by sacrificing Israel and Jews.] Because of their vast financial intercourse with Arabs and Muslim countries Europeans countries, even Britain, have repeatedly voted in the U.N. in support of Muslim terrorist countries against Israel. European countries refused to walk out of the concerted effort by Muslim countries – that support terrorism – to brand Israel as "racist." European countries are fair-weather allies upon whom America cannot count. Israel is America's only all-weather ally. To sell-out Israel in order to go to bed with the terrorists of the world – how many times now? – would be unconscionable.

The U.N. is a farce, bumping the U.S. from the Human Rights Commission… and replacing the U.S. with Afghanistan!

Such farcical cartoon scenarios and Hollywood "Armageddon" scenes are today's reality, not "propaganda" made up by "Zionist" Jews to justify "Israeli occupation" and "Israeli aggression" against "innocent Palestinians." Those "innocent Palestinians" send their "children" out with AK-47s to kill Jews, they foster terrorists in their schools and school books, they idolize terrorists and shelter terrorists, they finance terrorists and celebrate terrorists atrocities – including these latest atrocities against the U.S. Everyone who collaborates with or provides support or sympathy for terrorists is a terrorist, and must be dealt with exactly the same way. As Israel has known for years, Russia has known for some time and America has discovered today: it's a matter of survival.

Arab and Muslim terrorists are persecuting both Jews and Christians in several Muslim countries. It's become impossible now for Muslim countries to hide their collaboration to attain their collective goal of world domination by force of terrorism. Arab and Muslim terrorists have succeeded in perpetrating what they herald as the greatest attack in the history of the world – bringing America to her knees.

Israel… now is the time to lead the fight against the 'Palestinian' tentacle of bin Laden's 'al-Qaida' terrorist-Islamic Muslim organization. Israel should act boldly, decisively, with overwhelming force and finality, leaving no terrorists – or their bases or infrastructure; cleaning the terrorists out of their nest cities completely, building-by-building. This is also exactly what America needs to do against the plethora of al-Qaeda Muslim and Arab terrorist tentacles anywhere and everywhere in the world, which has even implanted itself as innocent-looking Muslim and Arab charities within the U.S. itself!

Now American finally recognizes the incomprehensible barbarism of this threat… and the unimaginable depth of insanity of the terrorist-Islamic societies that idolize, support, foster and celebrate terrorists. America will be defeated in this war if she continues to except "one certain terrorist" – namely, Arafat! All this can accomplish is to replace Usama bin Laden with an American-protected Arafat, one terrorist replaced – by American intervention – with another. The 'Palestinians' – the 70-85% of the 'Palestinian' street public – must be forced to choose like Pakistan: with America to stamp out all terrorism (including their own), or against America to suffer her wrath! It's time for nations to line up as victim-sheep or predator-goats (The Nᵊtzâr•im Reconstruction of Hebrew Ma•ti•tᵊyâhu (NHM) 25.31-35 – based on Yᵊkhë•zᵊq•eil 34.17ff!!!).

This, not exempting 'Palestinian' terrorists, is the only hope for peace in the Middle East. America and the world must not miss this one chance, the only chance for peace in the Middle East that we will see in our lifetime!

As a Japanese admiral fretted after Pearl Harbor: "I fear we've awakened a giant." Now is the time for America to get off her knees, and Israel too, together to teach a lesson to the world about the cost of terrorism that the world will never – never as long as the ocean is wet – forget.

Like Usama bin Laden, Libya, Arafat, Hanan Ashrawi, Pakistan, and now even the Afghanistan Taliban, Saddam Hussein, Khiz'b-Allah and probably Islamic Jihad, Hamas is changing its tune to claim it "supports" the U.S. campaign against international terror. All of the terrorists in the world are trying to line up with the U.S. against Usama bin Laden, willing now to disclaim and sacrifice him as if they have nothing to do with him or his terror organization. After Khiz'b-Allah terrorists came out in "support" against terrorists, CNN rewarded them by reporting that Khiz'b-Allah "militants" – suddenly and magically redeemed from the "terrorists" of the world – now sympathize with the U.S. Media "metamorphoses" of terrorists to anti-terrorists is particularly insidious, paving the way for America to go to bed with the very terrorists they proclaim to be hunting down and destroying.

Read, however, what the 'Palestinian' Arab terror organization Hamas writes to their own constituents in their Arabic 'Palestinian' (Gazan) newspaper al-Risala two days after the terrorist atrocity of the World Trade Center, of the Pentagon and their attempt to destroy the American capital in Washington, D.C. –

"Allah has answered our prayers; the sword of vengeance has reached America and will strike again and again…"

The terrorist-Islamic Muslims themselves contradict the propaganda, spun by Hanan Ashrawi and the editor of al Quds, about "because America finally feels our pain." From their own pens: 'Allah's sword of vengeance against America' was the motivation for 'Palestinians' dancing in celebration in the streets, in Arab-occupied east Yᵊru•shâ•layim, in Arab-occupied Shᵊkhëm (Arabized to "Nablus"), in Arab-occupied Beit Lëkhëm and in other Biblically and historically Jewish cities, as well as 'Palestinian' enclaves in Lebanon and some cities of Jordan and Egypt.

[MEMRI]: Following the terror attacks on New York and Washington, the Hamas Movement mouthpiece al-Risala, published in Gaza, printed an open letter, "To America," by Dr. 'At'Allah Abu Al-Subh:

"I am certain that you [America] will face the mirror of your history for a long time to come! Thus you will be able to see exactly how much you have oppressed, how corrupt you are, how you have sinned – how many entities you have destroyed; how many kingdoms you have demolished! Do you remember what you did in Vietnam and Korea? Do you remember how you turned Hiroshima and Nagasaki into piles of radioactive coals that hold death, present and future, for the two destroyed cities? Not a person in these cities remains who was not distorted by your fire; not an infant or youth remains who was not torn to shreds; not a bird remains who was not drowned in a sea of flame!!"

"America, Oh sword of oppression, arrogance and sin; do you remember how you crushed the humanity of man? Do you remember how the blacks lived under your wing? Can you describe to us how much humiliation, loathing, and contempt you caused those poor creatures? Their only sin was to be born to two black parents. Your 'white' son bound their necks with the fetters of slavery, after hunting them in the jungles and on the coasts of Africa. They were born free, but were transported to the slave markets that inundated your virgin soil. And later, how terrible were the deeds you did to them?"

"Have you asked yourself about your actions against your 'original' inhabitants, the Indians, the Apaches? Your white feet crushed them, and then used their name, Apache, for a helicopter bearing death, demolition, and destruction for anyone with rights, who dared to whisper in his own ear that he has those rights? This is loathsome and malignant behavior, because it made us hate the Apache Indians, without realizing that they actually were victims like us." "America, have you ever asked yourself why you killed Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Malcolm X? What crime could possibly be worse than these crimes, and why?"

[Notice the international nature of terrorist links inextricably entwined with those of the 'Palestinian' cause.]

"America, have you ever asked yourself how the children in the Al-'Amariya [shelter in Iraq], or at Kana [in Lebanon], sinned? Why do you pour this continuing oppression on the head of Baghdad, as you do on the head of Jerusalem, on the head of Jenin, and on every head with two eyes that do not see what you see and do not walk the path of justice that your sinning hands paved for every idiotic eunuch [a reference to the rulers of Arab states] that you crown His Eminence or His Royal Highness? America, have you ever asked yourself why you manufacture cluster bombs, atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, biological weapons of mass destruction, and the F-16? Even if we accept the claim of 'be prepared,' why do you give these weapons to any murderer, war criminal, and enemy of humanity, like Karadzic, Shamir, and Sharon? Why?"

"America, have you ever tasted the taste of horror, sorrow, and pain? This is the taste that has been our lot for so long. This is the taste that has filled our stomachs, torn our guts, and burned our skin. This is routine for us, and is carried out by those you love, with a high degree of 'professionalism.' They destroy our shacks. What happened tonight in Jenin is not very different than what happened to you."

"Every time Dick Cheney and his girlfriend Condoleezza Rice admonish us, [and] gloat at our misfortune, they incite to more [violence against us]!! We stand in line and beg Allah to give you to drink from the cup of humiliation – and behold, heaven has answered. You must think, America, whether you are capable of silencing your extremism, your impudence, and your arrogance!"

"America, what have we sinned? What have we done to you?"

"Do you remember that we made it possible for you to lead us in the ways of peace!! We agreed that you would host this peace! You wasted time, and neglected the matter – which seems to us an absolute bias in favor of the Jews, when our only crime was to agree to accept you as judge and as host! Hosts do not behave this way, Oh America, unless they are cowboys [a pun in Arabic]! If only it stopped at this bias; but it has reached the point where you tightened the rope around our entity and opened the gates of the Pentagon so that every Jew could equip himself with a knife in order to slaughter us! Why?"

"America, you planted in the hearts of all men and animals the seedling of hatred of you! You never considered that the day would come when the saplings would grow and put out your eyes, even if those eyes were placed at the top of the World Trade Center, among the clouds. Those saplings grew and spread and struck at the liver of the Pentagon, the biggest and most secure site on the planet. Don't you see that the thorns have reached the eyes of your strong Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, who thought that he was too strong to be hurt by the thorns of vengeance for what he did with his own hands? Perhaps you realize, after Rumsfeld fled, that he is only an ordinary man, who cannot seize the land and is not as tall as the mountains!!"

"America, why did you evacuate the biggest building in the world, and I refer to the Sears Tower, as we, the weak, do every night in order to protect ourselves from your laser-eyed missiles? Are you as frightened as we are, Oh America? Do the giants fear and flee, as the oppressed do, Oh America?"

"America, it transpires that that you are weaker than the weak, and that you are as wretched as any refugee that you forced to flee with his children, his wife, and the clothes on his back from a village that was once on the coast of Palestine. America, where are your eyes that see ants on rocks – I refer to the CIA? Did you not see what the soul of the one who struck at you whispered – although you always claimed to be able to see what others could not? It becomes apparent that a blind eye sees only through the eyes of traitors and spies; yet men of honor have caps of invisibility and when they don them, they dress you in garments of horror and humiliation."

[Notice the terrorist-Islamic view that America is controlled by an international Jewish conspiracy – taken straight out of miso-Judaic propaganda.]

"America, where is your second eye, the Mossad? You always gave us the illusion that it was alert enough to see what a man sees before he falls asleep. How did the 'perpetrator' take this eye?"

"Have you asked yourself who the real perpetrator is? Allow me to answer you: Yes, it is you, America!. You closed on yourself the door of injustice, so that none could pass through it but your destroyers. Afterwards, you decided to light the fire of destiny behind the door, until the fire consumed you, Oh America! I told you once that the mosquito sucks the blood of the lion. Have you realized that I was right? If not, look at your eye and see what happened to you in three spheres: the economic sphere (the World Trade Center building); the power sphere (the Pentagon); and the political sphere (the White House). Could you have imagined that what happened could have happened?"

[Note the international nature of the links of these terrorist organizations between 'Palestinian' tentacles of the international al-Qaeda and other terrorist tentacles of the international al-Qaeda around the world.]

"Is it conceivable that you would think twice and choose not to attack the pharmaceuticals plant in Khartoum again, or Libya? Or will the appetite for vengeance take you over and blind you to the truth, and will you pour out your wrath on the Al-'Amariya [shelter in Iraq] or on Beit Hanoun [in Gaza]? With what remains of your eyes, will you see the truth and retreat? I advise you, Oh America, to see the truth, and not to act thoughtlessly. You need to reexamine."

"What use was your navy to you? What use were your intercontinental missiles and your nuclear power plants? What use was the fact that you had almost completely conquered space with satellites and AWCS planes. What use was NATO, and the world leadership that you hold in your hands?"

"Or did all these become paralyzed when the sword of vengeance reached the neck of your honor and shamed you? There is no doubt that this is a deed unprecedented in ancient and modern history. You cannot but realize that the perpetrator will strike again and again if you continue with your corruption..." 1

A similar approach was adopted by al-Risala editor Dr. Ghazi Hamad's weekly column, in which he wrote:

"I will not discuss the issue from the emotional point of view, but on the basis of the rule that determines that "the punishment fits the crime."

"The United States, which, since the turn of the last century, has believed that it is the strongest, used that strength and power not to actualize justice and equality for the oppressed, but to besiege the[se] peoples, murder them, and spill their blood. It did not follow any law, unless the law was passed to strengthen its hegemony and its power. The US, which supports the Zionist entity, supplying it with all types of lethal weapons, such as the Apache, napalm bombs, and the F-16, that have taken the lives of thousands of Palestinians; the US, which encouraged the Iranian Shah to massacre his people; the US, which stood by the blood-letter Haile Sellassie, the despot Idi Amin, and dozens of dictators and tyrants in South America, in Africa, and in Southeast Asia; the US, which sowed death at Hiroshima, anguish in Vietnam, bitterness in Iraq, famine and siege in the Sudan and in Libya – what did this US, with the ugly face, expect the repressed and the oppressed peoples to do?"

"How much hatred has it stockpiled, and how many enemies has it gained? How many tortured people have burned American flags at every opportunity to express their rage? The US, with its think tanks and mighty research institutes, should have been ashamed of its hostility towards the nations and the peoples. Were the eradication of its Marines in Lebanon, the destruction of its military headquarters at Khobar in Saudi Arabia, the destruction of the USS Cole in Yemen, the bombing of its embassies in Zambia [sic] and in Kenya, and the attacks on its soldiers in the Gulf and in Japan not sufficient? The US should have learned the lessons of history; but, unfortunately, the US listens only to itself – and behold, today it hears itself all too well."

"Today, the US has tasted the bitter harvest it sowed in the hearts of millions. Today, we ask: After this, will the US [continue to] think that it is above the law? Will it continue to act with repression and tyranny, or will it reexamine what it has done, and what it will do?" 2

  1. al-Risala, 2001.09.13 Return to text
  2. al-Risala, 2001.09.13 Return to text
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