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Media Biases

How To Notice Them

What To Do About Them

Paqid Yirmeyahu (Paqid 16, the Netzarim)
Pâ•qidꞋ  Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu

2003.10.21Miso-Judaic bias long ago became the norm in western media; politically correct and, therefore, unquestioningly accepted by the increasingly predominant, 1-dimensional, "me"-absorbed, materialistic, sophomoric-liberals as true.

Miso-Judaic bias has become so common-place and ingrained as politically correct throughout all branches of the Hollywood movie and TV entertainment industries that, exactly as I warned decades ago, it has permeated all levels of society and the news media to the point that even brazen lies and overt injustices toward Israel and Jews are no longer noticed – even by Israeli Jews (completely beyond the grasp of assimilated Jews abroad).

Objections from big-talking – but determination and endurance-challenged – Jews to long-running miso-Judaic bias dried up years ago. Only "new mutations" get noticed now-a-days. Jews today apathetically acquiesce to a norm of "occupied territories"; "Arab East Jerusalem"; "Arab Bethlehem"; "Arab Nablus"; routine rocket attacks; glorious, brave, freedom-loving, non-religious "militants" conducting cross-border kidnappings and murders of "evil baby-killing Zionists" – all justified because Jews are "committing war crimes," "killing babies" and generally doing Sâ•tân's evil in the world. As I warned, slice by slice, the pizza of miso-Judaic bias has become accepted by Jews with the same sense of futility as the ovens of Auschwitz.

Going almost entirely unnoticed, all of the media flaunts up-front, in-your-face miso-Judaism as the politically correct, proper thing. Even Fox gets down-and-dirty miso-Judaic when it comes to Christmas, Easter and Christianity. Israeli media may be the worst, spouting treason and miso-Judaism as the 1-dimensional, "me"-absorbed, materialistic, sophomoric-liberal, Israeli Jews consider it their "balanced" ethical responsibility. Don't even think about how the blatantly anti-Zionist Ultra-Orthodox Kha•reid•im Judiban fuel our enemies' propaganda machines while insisting their prayers shield Israel as they strive to herd Jews astray into their Dark Ages Europe ghetto that they blasphemously call "Torah".

Report Assumes "the Occupation"

Consequences: Practically all of the evils below stem, and dangle, from this single false premise. Apathetically continuing to ignore this insidious fountain brings all of the evil floods that follow.

How to detect it: The report assumes the region's history began in 1967. "In the beginning, Israel occupied the Palistanis' land," thereby justifying "Palestinian" freedom-fighter "militants" to "resist" the "occupation." Reports refer to "Zionist-Judaizing East Jerusalem" rather than "Arab-occupied Biblically-Jewish East Jerusalem"; to "Judaizing-threatened Bethlehem" rather than "Arab-occupied Beit Lëkhëm Biblically-Jewish birthplace of King David"; to "Zionist threatened Nablus" rather than "Arab-occupied Biblical Shᵊkhëm"; to "Zionist-settler colonization of Silwan" rather than "Arab-occupied Biblically-Jewish Kᵊphâr ha-Shi•loakh".

What to do about it: Reply in writing to the offending media pointing out the many details from our archives about "occupation" (as well as similar articles in the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs website at www.mfa.org). Point out, from articles in our archives, the truth about the terms ‘Palestine’ and 'Palestinian'. From the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, cite instances of pre-1967 'Palestinian' terrorism, crimes against humanity and war crimes against Israeli civilian seniors, women, children and babies. After laying this foundation, follow up with Biblical history as legitimate ancient records of land ownership predating Islam and Muslims by millennia; noting that to assume the opposite of the best historical record is a logical fallacy that, regardless of its current (and transient) "political correctness," is unreasonable and unacceptable. Expect to be flamed, brace yourself for it and don't be shocked. Israel and Jews have the most despicable enemies.

False Balance: All is Relative POV: Ergo, Evil & Terrorism = Good

How to detect it: In the name of balance and fairness, the report pays meticulously equal sympathy to terrorists and their victims, ignoring guilt and either avoiding or reversing which side deliberately placed their own civilians in harm's way as human shields and child sacrifices or deliberately targeted civilian non-combatants. The words "Muslim Arab terrorist" and "Muslim Arab terrorism" have been scrupulously avoided. "Protest against the occupation" has been substituted for "terrorism." Blame is never attributed to any "Palestinian" "terrorist" attack but rather to an undefined, endless "cycle of violence." Have the terms "terrorist" and "terrorism" been editorially scrubbed from the report so that "Palestinians" are never described as such, or only "Israeli Zionist occupiers" are cast as evil?

What to do about it: Reply in writing to the guilty media posing the definition of terror given in our archive advising them that their articles are plainly biased unless they can either justify rejecting this definition of terror (based on U.S. legal code) or, in future, will consistently adhere to the definition in their articles. Expect to be flamed, brace yourself for it and don't be shocked. Israel and Jews have the most despicable enemies.

If discussing this with persons claiming to be Bible-believers, cite Yᵊsha•yâhu 5.20.

Report Accepts "Palestinian" Wild "Victim" Rant As News Report

How to detect it: Reporting features "Palestinian" allegations of supposed Israeli savagery as objective news; no fact-checking before reporting; ignores, suppresses or downplays reports of Arab-Muslim savagery toward Israeli civilians (seniors, women, children and babies); report either avoids Israeli victims or equates them to "Zionist occupiers" assumed to deserve their punishment.

What to do about it: Reply in writing to the guilty media objecting to their irresponsible and unprofessional lack of journalistic ethics in failing to fact-check first to prevent miso-Judaic reporting of unsubstantiated, baseless and patently false allegations and accusations against Israel and Jews – and requesting that they respond to you in writing. Post your letter of complaint everywhere on the web. Expect to be flamed, brace yourself for it and don't be shocked. Israel and Jews have the most despicable enemies.

Just Plain Misojudaic Bias

How to detect it: Reporting equates "Palestinian militants" with Israeli defense efforts, eliciting undue sympathy for Palistanis ('Palestinians') "under occupation." Such reporting typically features one-sided, sympathetic interviews with mourning relatives of killed Palistanis while dismissing Jewish victims in passing. Such accounts make no distinction between those who were deliberately targeted civilian non-combatant victims and those who murdered them. These reports blame Jews ("the occupation") for the deaths of Jews who were blown up – because of our "settlements," our "occupation," our supposed "collective punishment" of Palistanis ('Palestinian').

What to do about it: Reply in writing to the guilty media complaining that they are brazen miso-Judaics, pointing out the rebuttals of all of those points from the articles in our archives as well as articles in the website of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs (www.mfa.gov) and demanding that they answer your charges – publicly. Expect to be flamed, brace yourself for it and don't be shocked. Israel and Jews have the most despicable enemies.

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