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e-ABNC Live-Link 2011.10.24, 1515  Yәru•shâ•layim Universal Time

Book Report on Atonement In the Biblical 'New Covenant' Live-Link (e-ABNC Live-Link)

Daniel Etzel, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

For me ABNC was the most eye-opening informative document I have ever been privileged to read.

I would have to say that the concept which really became a revelation to me was the truth that ה' is always logically consistent. In this idea I learned that the תורה is not just what was given at הר סיני but also all the תורה which was given in all other previous בריתות. It was life to me to finally understand that the giving of תורה to אדם has been a refining process since the beginning of creation. I was also given the benefit of understanding the concept going along with this that any refinement of a ברית only adds to the requirements already stated in previous בריתות. This principle irrefutably rules out the idea that Christians have displaced ישראל as the true בני אלהים who follow דרך ה' for the simple fact that by their own admission they believe that Jesus Christ has rendered the last ברית as a contradiction to the current one.

In the culmination of this principle the true purpose of משיח became evident to me. I was moved in my inner most being to understand that everything that had been communicated previously through the external was transplanted to the internal by means of the ישועה which ריבי יהושע made available for all who are willing to accept the terms of the current ברית with ה'.

Go to articleIn summing up the book, I was made painfully aware of my status as a member of the גוים of the world who wholly reject דרך הלכה and who will be worthy of the just verdict of ‘guilty’ pronounced upon them on יום הדין. This cold truth has brought me into an even greater resolve to come into the fullness of intimacy with ה'.

Rainbow Rule

Todah! (Thanks)Wow! Tod•âhꞋ  for the fantastic review!

I'm continually bemused by people who see Ël•oh•imꞋ  as Perfect but self-contradicting. Huh?!? They must be walking around in perpetual cognitive dissonance. Sometimes, I think Christians and Muslims choose a self-contradicting "god" because it's the only alternative to renouncing Christianity and Islam—and they're plain afraid to follow rational, real-world, reason and their intellect to do that.

I'm looking forward to your reports on The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue, a Study in the Origins of Antisemitism and Who Are the Netzarim? Live-Link (e-WAN LL).

Bâr•ukhꞋ  ha-•SheimꞋ , all anyone, Jew or gentile (with no exceptions), needs to do to receive ki•purꞋ  is begin learning and keeping Tor•âhꞋ  non-selectively and to the best of your ability. Everyone who does that is welcome.

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