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2011.11.27, 1534  Yәru•shâ•laꞋ yim Universal Time

Following Torah

Christopher Fox
Tampa,Florida, USA
Inquiry: Dear, Paqid Yirmyahu hatzadiq

Is there any possible way I can speak to someone directly via phone or email so that I can help you all to know who I am. I would like to share my life story and my current dilemma as far as confirming if I'm actually from Jewish blood or really a Geir. I have been diligently searching for the truth since I've come to the knowledge of Ribi Yehoshua 4 years ago and I have always been on the outskirts of what you call "Messianic Judaism" and "SDA christianity"... but still inside me I have always pursued the best since understanding Mashiakh is a Jew and abode by Torah, its only logical for me to do the same. Nothing is an accident, and why I'm in this situation is remarkable which is why I'm convinced I could be Jewish. Confirming my identity would solve a lot problems as far as entering an orthodox synagogue, which I have before. My Grandma who lives in England ( which I haven't seen since I was 5 ) could give me an idea if I am. Her father and step father were murdered by the Nazis, but this is hard subject to bring up to her and I have not got a lot of information at all. Some People in my family were Catholic, but it could have been a fearful conversion. Everything is speculation. I had fallen in love with a woman from Israel who is a believer in the Ribi but her views and my views are the same as the Netzarim on this website as far as I know.  since the start I knew I had to marry a Jewish woman, because even "Torah" loving gentiles don't seem to fit the bill. I wanted to visit you last time I was in Israel, but I was not able to make a trip to Ranana which I regret...Maybe next time.

Much love, Christopher Fox

Rainbow Rule

2011.11.27 18:16

Only an Orthodox rabbi can determine whether to recognize you as a Jew. We don't do that. I can tell you that you would have to prove, providing proper genealogical documentation, that your maternal line is Jewish in order to satisfy an Orthodox rabbi that you're Jewish. Further, no Orthodox rabbi will entertain a request from a Christian, whether calling himself a "Messianic" or whatever. So my advice is to complete our on-line Khavruta course before approaching anyone in the Orthodox community. It's required to associate with the Netzarim in any case.

In the meantime, assume you will be a geir.

Neither your girlfriend's views nor your views are—yet—the same as the Nәtzâr•imꞋ . You'll each discover that when you complete the Khav•rutꞋ â.

There are no short-cuts. Your life story would change nothing of this. It is for this reason that we don't entertain special requests, phone conversations or email communications, nor do we meet with inquirers before he or she has completed the Khavruta course. Nothing happens until you complete the Khavruta course.

I encourage you--both--to begin immediately.

BTW, as part of reorienting to a new direction and life practice—Torah, I recommend that you change your first name to something not Christian.

All the best,
Paqid Yirmeyahu

2011.11.28 20:19  Yәru•shâ•laꞋ yim Universal Time

I am replying to a recent email response about me taking steps to become to be in the Netzarim. I was asked to also change my name as well so I wanted to ask a few more questions. There was a synagogue I was attending before that was not associated with christianity or messianic whatsoever. The Rabbi was Haim Levi and he is still apart of the Orthodox Union. they are orthodox but the services were not as orthodox as it should be... it was a start for sure in my life several years ago. While I was attending the shul, the rabbi had suggested Michael as a name but apparently didn't stick, and the Wife one day named me Haziel, and since that day I was using it for Aliyah name. I did not want to use a Pseudo name when talking to the Netzarim on this website, since I have not been through official Judaism I feel it would be wrong to use the name Haziel, but I suppose it would be ok? Is it wrong for the wife to choose a name for me? and how are names chosen?

Rainbow Rule

2011.11.27 18:16

First, Haim Levi is not a part of the Orthodox Union, nor is he a rabbi nor is he Orthodox. Their church is neither "Torah submissive, Torah Obedient, [or] Torah bound" as they claim. If they were, they would submit to, and integrate with, halakhic Orthodox Judaism, as I did. The synagogue in which I've been a member in good standing here in Israel for more than a decade, Moreshet Avot, is recognized as Orthodox by the Israeli Rabbanut. Despite Haim Levi's phony claims to the contrary, he is a Διαθηκη Καινη (NT)-believing and teaching Christian. "Messianic synagogues" are nothing more than yet another denomination of Christian churches, pretending to practice Judaism; deceiving themselves, Jews and Christians.

It is out of the ordinary for us to recommend a name change. But "Christ-opher" is innately exceptionally Christian and unnecessary Christian baggage. I don't know of any fixed Ha•lâkh•âhꞋ  but, since you're not yet under the jurisdiction of any Orthodox Beit Din, it would not apply to you even if there is. In your present status, you are not (yet) under the authority of any Beit Din. So you can change your name however you please. I think it is wise to consult with us, as you have here. I've never heard of the name "Haziel," but you can choose what you want. "Haziel" is not in Ta•na"khꞋ , if you were thinking that (unless you're misspelling it somehow). I wasn't at all suggesting that you need a Jewish name. It could be Harry or Jack or most anything else; just not a name with Christ in it (tho I wouldn't choose John, Paul or Peter). But if you like a Jewish name, it's your choice. If you have the opportunity to convert at some future point then the choice of an official Jewish name would still be up for consultation with an Orthodox rabbi. You just wouldn't have to live with "Christ-opher" in the interim. I am referring to a legal change of name in your local court. You'll probably need a lawyer but it's inexpensive. Otherwise, it would merely be another ruse.

Hope this helps. Stick with your pursuit toward Tor•âhꞋ .

(Pâ•qidꞋ  YirmәyâhꞋ u, Ra•a•nanꞋ â(h), Yi•sә•râ•eilꞋ ) Israel

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