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2011.12.25, 0611  Yәru•shâ•laꞋ yim Universal Time

עברית Working; Petition?

El Paso, Texas, U.S.A.

שלמ פק'ד 'רמ'הו

I finally have עבר'ת on my computer. Working on the kinks still. Sorry to שאל 'סף but am I ready to petition the Beit Din to become a Netzarim?


שלום טוניה,

כל הכבוד for getting your עברית up-and-running. The י is the "h" key, not the "w" key. There will be more עברית help for you in spelling, etc. our private blog. If you haven't already, you need to obtain a עברית-English Dictionary. I recommend the Alcalay set. You should be able to begin using the עברית instead of xlits (transliterations; i.e., "beit din" and "Netzarim" that we use only to communicate with the public). Keep up the great work. Thumbs up!

Over the past couple of years, our hearts have clouded our judgment, resulting in our temporarily allowing several candidates to be provisional גרים, candidates who turned out not to have shed their Christian attitude—that they, as גוים, having read a few books in English, either know better than יהודים what תורה teaches or go to the opposite extreme (בני נח) and regard the רבנים as ultimate authorities contradicting תורה, thereby trusting in men—each because they declined to learn to read תורה for themselves.

There were signs that these candidates were obstinate about continuing to follow their own eyes and heart. But, in our overzealous desire to be compassionate, we chose to think they would "get it" as they continued their studies. They did not. They stubbornly continued to "follow their own heart and their own eyes" just as they had always done in Christianity. Some, though they can't even read תורה, arrogantly presumed to tell יהודים what and how to teach it!

To allow such גרים, who have no grasp of תורה—the authority of הלכה and the centrality of the בית דין—introduction into קהילה ישראל הדתי of יהודים would cause immeasurable damage—both to קהילה ישראל הדתי of יהודים and to the נצרים. Consequently, it behooves us to tighten our requirements a bit more for everyone.

The נצרים openly function within the legitimate קהילה ישראל הפרושים of יהודים, whose standards defined the ריבי פרושי יהושע, and to which he and the נצרים adhered until the Hellenist Roman occupiers eradicated them.

The only ancient sect to have rabbis, ribꞋ is or synagogues was the ישראל פרושים, who first appeared as a result of a schism that occurred during the Maccabean period (B.C.E. 2nd century). פרושי יהושע, being a ריבי (ribꞋ i) and teaching in בתי הכנסת (synagogues), was – conspicuously – a פרושי ישראלי. Eventually, the ישראל פרושים were called "the Rabbis" or "the Rabbinical sect of Judaism," which, still later, became known as דתים – in English: "Orthodox Jews."

Restoring the teachings of ריבי יהושע, the נצרים must continue being פרושים ישראלים / Orthodox Jews of Israel. Consequently, we do not swerve from, or compromise, the serious standard of תורה according to הלכה. It is pivotal that every candidate grasp the centrality of הלכה—determined by the בית דין—to תורה in defining an Orthodox / פרושים Jew. This is critical—and the single biggest obstacle for those growing out of Christianity toward יהדות.

It seems easy enough for people to understand that ריבי יהושע was a יהודי ישראלי, that, as a ריבי teaching in בתי הכנסת, he was an observant יהודי פרושי ישראלי; that this is whom the נצרים followed—and that, therefore, those who follow him also become observant followers of יהודים הפרושים as well. All others calling themselves "Netzarim" are Christian posers, frauds and deceivers.

Yet, having progressed to this point, many (perhaps most) still stumble on the concept of הלכה—and submitting to a בית דין—devolving back to their own definitions, criteria and finding justification for their own doctrines—following their own heart and their own eyes in violation of תורה—inventing what is, in effect, their own religion – yet another sect of Christianity; just calling יש''ו by a Hebrew name.

However, insistence on adherence to הלכה is what makes it possible for נצרים to exist under the umbrella of יהדות and what separates תורה ‭ ‬ – יהדות – from self-deceived, Christian posers.

Our message to the world and to these phonies: Obtain Orthodox recognition like we have. Until then, their claims to be "Netzarim" are phony; their claims to be Orthodox Jews are phony and their claim to be following "Ribi Yehoshua" is phony.

So, let's take our time and be sure that you completely understand and have uncompromisingly renounced the Διαθηκη Καινη (NT) along with its OT (a Christianized perversion), its YeshꞋ "u Antichrist-idol and its doctrines; and that you have fully reoriented – been reborn – in the תורה, ‭ ‬ הלכה and the בית דין נצרים, no longer following your own heart and your own eyes like the Christians and other גוים. Take the time to explore the authentic teachings of ריבי יהושע, which is only found in The Netzarim Reconstruction of Hebrew Matityahu (NHM), so that you can make an informed decision. Complete the NHM exercises to ensure you can navigate the concordances. Then you can submit your petition.

חנוכה שמח

(Pâ•qidꞋ  YirmәyâhꞋ u, Ra•a•nanꞋ â(h), Yi•sә•râ•eilꞋ ) Israel

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