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2012.01.23, 1912  Yәru•shâ•laꞋ yim Universal Time

Interfacing with Christianity – No Dispensation Authority
Guest: Tonya M
Location: El Paso Texas, USA
Last Religious Affiliation: Transitioning from pseudo-Jewish Christianity

שלום פקיד ירמיהו, הצדיק

I am considering joining the military reserves which require 1weekend a month training. There is a vacancy position for a company commander and would need to know if וצרים approves of the position since it would require violating the sabbath and attending christian facilities and holiday gatherings. One requirement would be to travel to additional weekend meetings on Sabbath(perhaps not often). As a commander I would need to be in attendance to represent the unit and family if a soldier die and depending on their religious belief would need to attend their funeral if on the Sabbath and in a christian facility? Also, certain meetings or lectures could be located in christian facilities(to accommodate large amount of personnel). If my boss were to have gatherings on weekends with his subordinates, the gatherings are mandatory, especially during their holiday celebrations.

These are a few cases that I can recall that I had to do when I was a commander on active duty.

Unlike Christianity, no one has authority to grant dispensation to violate Tor•âhꞋ .

Each, and every, nëphꞋ ësh is charged with doing his or her utmost to practice Tor•âhꞋ .

The principle of pi•quꞋ akh •nëphꞋ ësh provides for cases of medical emergencies and survival; services like the Tzah"l (TzәꞋ  ha-Ha•gân•âhꞋ  lƏ-Yi•sә•râ•eilꞋ ), police, medical services and similar emergency services.

There are no other exceptions.

You mentioned that your attendance, "depend[s] on their religious belief." In that case, you shouldn't acquiesce to be involved unless the soldier was an Orthodox Jew – in which case their arrangements aren't permitted to violate Shab•âtꞋ  or any other Ha•lâkh•âhꞋ ; nor would they be held in a Christian facility. Surely, the armed forces claiming to be of the "land of freedom of religion" wouldn't violate your religious rights?

There are non-religious, secular, parts of many funerals and burials that Ha•lâkh•âhꞋ  permits be attended by a Nәtzâr•imꞋ . However, Ha•lâkh•âhꞋ  does not permit a Nәtzâr•imꞋ  to attend any contra-Tor•âhꞋ  religious service – or religious-holiday (e.g., Christmas) "get-together" or "party."

Bottom line: Ha•lâkh•âhꞋ  requires havdâl•âhꞋ  between khol and QoꞋ dësh. Accordingly, Ha•lâkh•âhꞋ  does not permit your participation in a•vod•âhꞋ  zâr•âhꞋ .

Kol ha-kâ•vodꞋ  for your tough questions and obvious commitment to learn and keep Tor•âhꞋ . If you have more specific questions I'll try to address them.

(Pâ•qidꞋ  YirmәyâhꞋ u, Ra•a•nanꞋ â(h), Yi•sә•râ•eilꞋ ) Israel

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