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Ya•a•qov ("James") Ossuary Conspiracy

Paqid Yirmeyahu (Paqid 16, the Netzarim)
Pâ•qidꞋ  Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhꞋ u

2012.03.16, 1130 Christians now want to get possession of the Ya•a•qovꞋ  Ossuary. Christians oppose the idea that the ossuary belongs to the Jews and corroborates the Nᵊtzâr•im contrasted against Christianity.

Israeli religious leaders would like to see this historical hard-evidence connection to the Nᵊtzâr•im go away. Anti-religious Jewish leaders would like to see this historical hard-evidence connection to the Nᵊtzâr•im go away. Fearers of an antisemitic backlash would like it to go away fearing its authentication will cause another Crusade and Holocaust against Jews. All of these Jewish leaders have always been on that same train: just make the ossuary go away and disappear from Judaism. Thus, Jews oppose the ossuary corroborating the Nᵊtzâr•im.

Yaaqov Ossuary
Ya•a•qovꞋ  Ossuary

Consequently, the Nᵊtzâr•im stand alone, yet again, against suppression and often-slanderous dissing from both misojudaic Christians on the one side, who disparage us for teaching the validity of Tor•âhꞋ , and all sectors of Jews, on the other side who disparage us for holding that RibꞋ i Yәho•shuꞋ a is the Mâ•shiꞋ akh.

Since the following information would likely cause possession of the ossuary to revert to the State of Israel, out of reach from Christian buyers, Biblical Archeology Review received, moderated and deleted the following information that I posted on their website. Showing their true colors, however, they subsequently published a post from Christian "Ralph": "These precious relics of christianiity should be handed over to RESPONSIBLE Christian authorities as the property of all Christians around the world. The Jewish authorities should further apologize for the sacrilegious treatment of the finds and the inexcusable loss of remains-The tomb itself should made a place of pilgrimage and protected from any further desecration." BAR's selectivity in posting makes their position clear.

In the trial, Oded Golan claimed that he has owned the ossuary since the late 1970s; offering, as proof, photographs authenticated by an ex-FBI agent as printed on photographic paper produced in 1976 (Kodak Polycontrast rapid RC paper, exp 3/76 F|mw), two years before the 1978 Israeli Law that made such finds the property of the State of Israel.

One cannot escape the feeling that they are promoting a policy that would keep the ossuary in private hands where Christians might eventually be able to acquire it "from the Jews" – Jews want to be rid of it for the reasons pointed out earlier but who, Christians maintain in a typical misojudaic canard, "want the money." And Mr. Golan apparently does.

I've maintained scientific information presented by the most eminent and authoritative scientists in this case in this website, in our History Museum pages. However, as far as I know, one fact was never brought up in the trial and no one seems to have noticed: I discovered with a quick internet search that, in 2006.06.21 (and perhaps still today) I could buy Kodak Polycontrast rapid RC paper, exp 3/76 F|mw at http://www.apug.org/forums/forum37/28987-old-photographic-paper.html#post320858. So, I could have printed photos in 2006 on paper produced in 1976 too! It may still be possible to print a photo on 1976 Kodak photographic paper even today! This is no proof of ownership (or the discovery of the Ya•a•qovꞋ  ossuary) prior to 1980!

Mr. Golan's claim stems from the fact that if he had obtained possession of the Ya•a•qovꞋ  Ossuary after 1978 then it would belong to the State of Israel, not Mr. Golan. Indeed, Prof. Krumbein certified that, at some time in the distant (not recent) past – many centuries ago – the Ya•a•qovꞋ  Ossuary had been exposed to the elements for a period of two centuries. Not in the recent past! This is critical. While the ossuary was exposed to the elements for a couple of centuries Prof. Krumbein proved scientifically that this ossuary was not exposed to the elements in the last two centuries; not in the 1970s as Oded Golan claimed!!! Comparisons of the patina, etc. demonstrated that the Ya•a•qovꞋ  ossuary originally came from the Talpiot Tomb complex in which the ossuaries of RibꞋ i Yәho•shuꞋ aand some of his immediate family were discovered in 1980.

The implication is clear: the Ya•a•qovꞋ  ossuary—IAA 80-509, like the other ossuaries of the Talpiot Tomb, was discovered in 1980 and came into his possession thereafter. The "old" photographic paper, which I was able to find in 2006, was Mr. Golan's attempt to claim pre-1978 ownership, of the 1980 discovery, in order to prevent the 1978 law from assigning ownership of the ossuary to the State of Israel.

Turns out, it doesn't matter that the ossuary should belong to the State of Israel. The secular and anti-religious Jews want it to go away because they regard it as religious superstition to be gotten rid of. Religious Jews want it to go away because the historical hard-evidence contradicts the rabbis' definition of Judaism. Christians want it to remain in private hands so they can acquire it and declare it Christian. Almost all historians and archeologists fall into one of these agendas as well. Even the lawyers in the Israeli Supreme Court either overlooked or avoided the ridiculousness of Mr. Golan's conspicuous non-proof of ownership.

The case should have been made that the non-proof of 1976 ownership is bogus, that the ossuary is scientifically tied to the Talpiot Tomb complex, which was discovered in 1980. Therefore, the ossuary could not have been discovered before 1980 and, accordingly, belongs to the State of Israel.

However, everyone involved realized that authenticating the ossuary to the Talpiot Tomb complex would mean authenticating the reality of RibꞋ i Yәho•shuꞋ a; which Jews are loath to to do, plus negating the Christian notion of a bodily resurrection, which Christians would like to go away. The facts are a vexatious contradiction of both sides. They both just want it to go away so that this hard evidence, which corroborates the Nᵊtzâr•im on all points, doesn't continue to conflict with their current belief systems and threaten their order.

The saddest part, however, is that even if the State of Israel takes ownership of the ossuary, secular and anti-religious Jews want the ossuary, as part of religion, to go away and religious Jews want to be rid of all possible authentication RibꞋ i Yәho•shuꞋ a. So, except for the Nᵊtzâr•im, all Jews want it to go away – meaning the State of Israel might also give it to the Christians.

Just as the secular and anti-religious Jews governing Israel have sacrificed the hard-evidence of the Beit ha-Miq•dâshꞋ  -Ri•shonꞋ  on Har ha-•BaꞋ yit, this won't be the first time that historical hard-evidence will very likely be sacrificed on the altars of current belief systems.

Further details are found by clicking on our History Museum (in the navigation panel at left of our home page), then click on "Mashiakh" in the menu that appears at the top of the page and scroll down to the "éò÷á áø éåñó [àçåé] ãéùåò" ossuary where you can click on the "Burning Issues: Ya·aqov Ossuary, Update: 2008.03.04" button.

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