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Netzarim Paqid 16, The Honorable Paqid of the Netzarim; Yirmeyahu Ben-David
Click to enlargeNᵊtzâr•im Pâ•qid 16
The Honorable Pâ•qid of the Nᵊtzâr•im; Yi•rᵊmᵊyâhu Bën-Dâ•wid, ha-Tza•diq at the Kotël, Yᵊru•shâ•layim, 1995).

2012.06.27, 1315  Yәru•shâ•laꞋ yim Daylight Time

The Abrahamic Bridge

Egypt – the day after the vote

Ynet columnist Ron Ben-Yishai penned a 2-part analysis of what the Egyptian vote bodes (Part 1: Egypt vote: The day after, Part 2: Power struggle in Cairo).

Neither Mr. Ben-Yishai nor commenters to his first article perceived anything beyond the conventional "Jewish" "wisdom": the goy•imꞋ  have no reason, and are going to hate us no matter what; so ignore everything and keep doing what we're doing."

No one is noticing the increasing need to find a rapprochement with our Arab-cousin sons of Av•râ•hâmꞋ , nor any elements we might use to construct a bridge of rapprochement.

But such elements exist.

As I noted in my comments to Part 1 of Mr. Ben-Yishai's article:

There are some moderate Muslims, including a few scholars, who find in their own Quran support for Biblical Israel inhabiting, uh, Biblical Israel. Certainly, such sympathetic potential deserves, and it's in our own interests, to strive to measure up to our own definition (instead of joining the bandwagon to lower the standard of basest of goy•imꞋ  and infuriate both Muslims and decent Jews).

But when they're faced with a secular "Israel" face of homosexuals and hedonists, on the one hand, or the feces-throwing Europeanist Ultra-Orthodox Khareidim face of "Israel" on the other, they cannot defend that from the point of view of a Biblical Israel because each is a contradiction intractably incompatible with, and mutually exclusive of, Tor•âhꞋ  and Biblical Israel. There exists no defense for it!

Further – MUCH further – being steered by moderate Yᵊr•eiꞋ  é–ä Yᵊhud•imꞋ  would transform how we behave relative to flouting perversions repugnant to Muslims, because we share that repugnance. There are many things that moderate Yᵊr•eiꞋ  é–ä Yᵊhud•imꞋ  share with moderate Muslims but, so far, we've done a masterful job, a masterfully stupid job, of ensuring that what we share with Muslims is excluded from the Israeli-Muslim relations equation (has anyone even raised "Israeli-Muslim" relations before?) – and excluded from our mutual (Muslim and Jew) interest. Perversion and hedonism win even over survival interests! Tor•âhꞋ  is about behavior, and our behavior, particularly at BOTH extremes, is not serving us well, to put it charitably.

Flouting perversions and hedonism is a winner in most of the world. But not in the Middle East.

From the beginning of "Arab Spring," I urged support for the Arab peoples to determine their own leaders, despite what that may bring. It is their right and I will continue to maintain that position. Of course, that comes with the converse: the Egyptian people are now accountable for their elected leaders actions – like the Gazans.

I congratulate the Egyptian people on asserting their will in determining their own leaders and convey my wishes to maintain peace between us. Those who would have supported the dictatorial secular Egyptian government would have brought even more ill will, and desire for revenge, down on our heads.

We could do a LOT more to emphasize religious values that we share with Muslims. We should. But we need moderate dât•iꞋ  Yᵊhud•imꞋ  to become adamant and assertive.

Iran's Anti-Drug Blame-shift on Israel – Opportunity?
Stop the blind-ignorant hate – salvage parts & build a bridge

Ynet reported that Iran's Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi, in what is widely perceived as a primitive misojudaic rant, declared (among other things in his tirade), during a ceremony marking International Day against Drug Abuse held in Tehran on 2012.06.27, that "Zionists" and the teachings of the Talmud [are responsible] for "inciting global drug trade and addiction in a bid to annihilate non-Jewish communities."

The unanimous response, both in the article and in comments to the article, has been that such remarks are nothing more than "antisemitism."

Really? Neither Israeli nor Jew involved with drugs? Or trafficking women? Etc.?

Any Jew who deludes himself or herself that there is no "Jewish mafia" and no Jews are involved in drug trafficking (and women trafficking, for that matter) has never read an Israeli newspaper and has no contact with reality. To deny it is blind-ignorant and many of the remarks posted are racist hate-mongers reacting like school children with no clue that they are begging for war to come down on our heads – most often by irresponsible twits not living here under the threat. Talk is cheap. The bragging and incitement of those whose family doesn't live here is unworthy schoolyard silliness.

Iran's view that some Jews are racist supremacists: Have Traction?

"Rahimi then added that the Talmud teaches Jews to think that 'God has created the world so that all other nations can serve them… But there is a difference between Jews who honestly follow the prophet Moses and those (who are) the main elements of the international drugs trade.'" (ynet, Zionists to blame; emphasis added).

In my comments to this article (so far unpublished), I take Israelis and Jews to task for ignoring the "Jewish" and Israeli elements involved in such things, instead falling back on what has become the Jewish – racist supremacist – response: "We're entirely blameless (read racially superior) and all the world's against us for no reason. So the whole world can…!"

For those who lack the racist supremacist attitude, though –

There is also a glimmer of light in Vice President Rahimi's speech [of 2012.06.26]. I can't believe everyone has missed it, and it's vital that we not simply blow it off.

Learn to suppress your knee-jerk, hate-mongering long enough to [1] be honest and [2] spot elements you might use to build bridges–or else!!! (Look around you at the aligning of nations.)

Any Jew who deludes himself or herself that Israel doesn't suffer from racism ignores the obnoxious rants of Εd•om•imꞋ  atheist seculars and Ultra-Orthodox Kha•reid•imꞋ , including some of the most prominent and revered rabbis, who both overturn millennia of Ha•lâkh•âhꞋ  to instead accept Hitler's racist definition of a Jew, declaring that converts aren't really Jews. (Jews cannot be "unrecognized" after the fact; "converts" not racially the same for a few generations.) Rut, being less "documented" than the Orthodox schoolgirls in Beit Shemesh – and less documented than me (!!!) – would have been spit on, had feces and urine thrown at them, and been subjected to declarations, by today's Ultra-Orthodox, calling them a goy•âh shi•qᵊtzâhꞋ  and slut.

"Shabbos Goy" Servants

Moreover, any Jew who deludes himself or herself that Israel doesn't suffer from racism ignores "religious" Jews who look to a "Shabbos goy" to work for them on Shab•âtꞋ  – when not even our animals are permitted to work on Shab•âtꞋ . This implies that we regard "Shabbos Goyim" to be less than animals!

Yes, YOU can choose to continue ignoring it as you are and have been. But what you cannot do is conceal it from the world or expect the world to ignore it like you do.

You can continue to abuse and slander me. You can shoot the messenger. But you cannot avoid the inexorable religious direction and aligning of your neighboring nations. You don't realize Who you're opposing in your rejection or trampling of Ha•lâkh•âhꞋ  and Tor•âhꞋ  with hate-mongering, arrogance and racist supremacism.

Secular neighbors of Israel are consistently eroding and evolving into Muslim neighbors. The only questions that remain is whether they will be Sunni or Shiite, moderate or Salafist, and how might Israel create a rapprochement with the resulting nations? We don't agree with them on more than a few issues. But they are our Abrahamic cousins and we both need to learn how to live in peace together as sons of Av•râ•hâmꞋ .

What "Jewish" antonyms of Rut and Dâ•widꞋ  ha-MëlꞋ ëkh are missing is that Vice President Rahimi also declared "But there is a difference between Jews who honestly follow the prophet Moses and those (who are) the main elements of the international drugs trade."

If his words were chosen carefully then this is a CRITICAL acknowledgment and overture. There are Israeli Jews who are potential friends of Islam and Israeli "Jews" (Εd•om•imꞋ  and sanctimonious Ultra-religious racists) who are enemies of Islam (and enemies of Tor•âhꞋ  as well, BTW). In any case, it's essential that moderate dât•iꞋ  Yᵊhud•imꞋ  SHARE the acknowledgment that, YES, " there is a difference between Jews who honestly follow the prophet Moses and those (who are) [involved in] the international drugs trade."

We must emphasize that distinction and build on it – or suffer the consequences of futilely continuing to deny that any Jew has ever done any wrong and lamely insisting that today's rabbinic views are perfect modern implementations of ancient Ha•lâkh•âhꞋ .

We should also expect, and require, the fairness of pointing out that it's primarily international jihadists groups that fund and arm their terrorist groups by working arm-in-arm with drug cartels, delivering opium from Afghanistan to the cartels in South America and Mexico for refinement and delivery into the rich U.S. market. Then, our honesty in acknowledging unwanted criminals among us, would have earned us the right to challenge Iran to be as honest and open about stopping such groups – Muslim as well as non-Muslim – as we are; and exposed this area in which we should be cooperating together for a shared goal to stop the drug trafficking.

Stop the ignorance of hateful, childish, mindless war-mongering like a bunch of children in a school yard and and learn to spot elements we might build upon.

Building an Abrahamic Bridge to our Arab cousin sons of Av•râ•hâmꞋ  depends on recognizing and implementing these things.

So does the blessing of é--ä and our survival!

(Pâ•qidꞋ  YirmәyâhꞋ u, Ra•a•nanꞋ â(h), Yi•sә•râ•eilꞋ ) Israel

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